Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
302026CF384E. Propagating tree000.000%
302027CF385A. Bear and Raspberry000.000%
302028CF385B. Bear and Strings000.000%
302035CF386D. Game with Points000.000%
302037CF387B. George and Round000.000%
302038CF387C. George and Number000.000%
302039CF387D. George and Interesting Graph000.000%
302041CF388A. Fox and Box Accumulation020.000%
302042CF388B. Fox and Minimal path000.000%
302043CF388C. Fox and Card Game000.000%
302046CF389A. Fox and Number Game000.000%
302047CF389B. Fox and Cross000.000%
302048CF389C. Fox and Box Accumulation000.000%
302049CF389D. Fox and Minimal path000.000%
302050CF389E. Fox and Card Game000.000%
302059CF391C2. The Tournament000.000%
302066CF391F2. Stock Trading000.000%
302080CF394C. Dominoes000.000%
302085CF396C. On Changing Tree000.000%
302092CF397E. On Changing Tree000.000%
302106CF400D. Dima and Bacteria000.000%
302109CF401B. Sereja and Contests000.000%
302110CF401C. Team000.000%
302113CF402A. Nuts000.000%
302115CF402C. Searching for Graph000.000%
302116CF402D. Upgrading Array000.000%
302117CF402E. Strictly Positive Matrix000.000%
302118CF403A. Searching for Graph000.000%
302119CF403B. Upgrading Array000.000%
302120CF403C. Strictly Positive Matrix000.000%
302125CF404C. Restore Graph000.000%
302127CF404E. Maze 1D000.000%
302128CF405A. Gravity Flip000.000%
302131CF405D. Toy Sum000.000%
302132CF405E. Graph Cutting000.000%
302134CF406B. Toy Sum000.000%
302135CF406C. Graph Cutting000.000%
302148CF409A. The Great Game000.000%
302160CF412A. Poster000.000%
302161CF412B. Network Configuration000.000%
302167CF413C. Jeopardy!000.000%
302173CF414D. Mashmokh and Water Tanks000.000%
302176CF415B. Mashmokh and Tokens000.000%
302177CF415C. Mashmokh and Numbers000.000%
302180CF416A. Guess a number!000.000%
302182CF416C. Booking System000.000%
302183CF416D. Population Size000.000%
302184CF416E. President's Path000.000%
302187CF417C. Football000.000%
302188CF417D. Cunning Gena000.000%
302190CF418A. Football000.000%
302193CF418D. Big Problems for Organizers000.000%
302202CF420C. Bug in Code000.000%
302211CF424B. Megacity000.000%
302216CF425B. Sereja and Table 000.000%
302227CF427C. Checkposts000.000%
302229CF427E. Police Patrol000.000%
302232CF429C. Guess the Tree000.000%
302234CF429E. Points and Segments000.000%
302245CF432A. Choosing Teams000.000%
302246CF432B. Football Kit000.000%
302247CF432C. Prime Swaps000.000%
302249CF432E. Square Tiling000.000%
302261CF435B. Pasha Maximizes000.000%
302262CF435C. Cardiogram000.000%
302263CF435D. Special Grid000.000%
302264CF435E. Special Graph000.000%
302265CF436A. Feed with Candy000.000%
302267CF436C. Dungeons and Candies000.000%
302269CF436E. Cardboard Box000.000%
302272CF437B. The Child and Set000.000%
302273CF437C. The Child and Toy000.000%
302276CF438A. The Child and Toy000.000%
302281CF439A. Devu, the Singer and Churu, the Joker000.000%
302287CF440B. Balancer000.000%
302291CF441B. Valera and Fruits000.000%
302293CF441D. Valera and Swaps000.000%
302296CF442B. Andrey and Problem000.000%
302297CF442C. Artem and Array 000.000%
302303CF443D. Andrey and Problem000.000%
302304CF443E. Artem and Array 000.000%
302305CF444A. DZY Loves Physics000.000%
302311CF445B. DZY Loves Chemistry000.000%
302312CF445C. DZY Loves Physics000.000%
302316CF446B. DZY Loves Modification000.000%
302321CF447B. DZY Loves Strings000.000%
302323CF447D. DZY Loves Modification000.000%
302327CF448C. Painting Fence000.000%
302330CF449A. Jzzhu and Chocolate000.000%
302331CF449B. Jzzhu and Cities000.000%
302337CF450C. Jzzhu and Chocolate000.000%
302338CF450D. Jzzhu and Cities000.000%
302348CF452D. Washer, Dryer, Folder000.000%
302353CF453C. Little Pony and Summer Sun Celebration000.000%
302360CF454E. Little Pony and Summer Sun Celebration000.000%
302370CF456E. Civilization000.000%
302372CF457B. Distributed Join000.000%
302376CF457F. An easy problem about trees000.000%
302378CF458B. Distributed Join000.000%
302387CF459E. Pashmak and Graph000.000%