302234: CF429E. Points and Segments

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Points and Segments


### 题意 给定$n$ 条线段$[l_i,r_i]$ ,然后给这些线段红蓝染色,求最后直线上上任意一个点被蓝色及红色线段覆盖次数之差的**绝对值不大于$1$ **。 ### 输入 第一行是$n$ ,接下来$n$ 行每行两个数$l_i,r_i$ 。**注意**$n\le 10^5,l_i,r_i \le 10^9$ 。 ### 输出 输出时使用`0`和`1`表示红蓝,**空格隔开**。如果有多解,输出**任意**一个即可。


Iahub isn't well prepared on geometry problems, but he heard that this year there will be a lot of geometry problems on the IOI selection camp. Scared, Iahub locked himself in the basement and started thinking of new problems of this kind. One of them is the following. Iahub wants to draw $ n $ distinct segments $ [l_{i},r_{i}] $ on the $ OX $ axis. He can draw each segment with either red or blue. The drawing is good if and only if the following requirement is met: for each point $ x $ of the $ OX $ axis consider all the segments that contains point $ x $ ; suppose, that $ r_{x} $ red segments and $ b_{x} $ blue segments contain point $ x $ ; for each point $ x $ inequality $ |r_{x}-b_{x}|<=1 $ must be satisfied. A segment $ [l,r] $ contains a point $ x $ if and only if $ l<=x<=r $ . Iahub gives you the starting and ending points of all the segments. You have to find any good drawing for him.



The first line of input contains integer $ n $ ( $ 1<=n<=10^{5} $ ) — the number of segments. The $ i $ -th of the next $ n $ lines contains two integers $ l_{i} $ and $ r_{i} $ ( $ 0<=l_{i}<=r_{i}<=10^{9} $ ) — the borders of the $ i $ -th segment. It's guaranteed that all the segments are distinct.


If there is no good drawing for a given test, output a single integer -1. Otherwise output $ n $ integers; each integer must be 0 or 1. The $ i $ -th number denotes the color of the $ i $ -th segment (0 is red and 1 is blue). If there are multiple good drawings you can output any of them.


输入样例 #1

0 2
2 3

输出样例 #1

0 1

输入样例 #2

1 5
1 3
3 5
2 10
11 11
12 12

输出样例 #2

0 1 0 1 0 0



### 题意 给定$n$ 条线段$[l_i,r_i]$ ,然后给这些线段红蓝染色,求最后直线上上任意一个点被蓝色及红色线段覆盖次数之差的**绝对值不大于$1$ **。 ### 输入 第一行是$n$ ,接下来$n$ 行每行两个数$l_i,r_i$ 。**注意**$n\le 10^5,l_i,r_i \le 10^9$ 。 ### 输出 输出时使用`0`和`1`表示红蓝,**空格隔开**。如果有多解,输出**任意**一个即可。

