Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
307815CF1421D. Hexagons000.000%
307824CF1423B. Valuable Paper000.000%
307838CF1424B. Valuable Paper000.000%
307876CF1428D. Bouncing Boomerangs000.000%
307886CF1430E. String Reversal000.000%
307919CF1435C. Perform Easily000.000%
307925CF1436D. Bandit in a City000.000%
307942CF1439A2. Binary Table (Hard Version)000.000%
307950CF1440C2. Binary Table (Hard Version)000.000%
308022CF1453D. Checkpoints000.000%
308077CF1463D. Pairs000.000%
308103CF1467C. Three Bags000.000%
308127CF1470B. Strange Definition000.000%
308135CF1471D. Strange Definition000.000%
308163CF1475F. Unusual Matrix010.000%
308164CF1475G. Strange Beauty020.000%
308173CF1477B. Nezzar and Binary String000.000%
308182CF1478E. Nezzar and Binary String000.000%
308185CF1479B1. Painting the Array I000.000%
308193CF1480D1. Painting the Array I000.000%
308205CF1482D. Playlist000.000%
308211CF1483B. Playlist000.000%
308219CF1484D. Playlist000.000%
308231CF1486C2. Guessing the Greatest (hard version)000.000%
308244CF1488C. Two Policemen000.000%
308245CF1488D. Problemsolving Marathon000.000%
308265CF1490G. Old Floppy Drive 000.000%
308278CF1492D. Genius's Gambit000.000%
308288CF1494C. 1D Sokoban000.000%
308293CF1495B. Let's Go Hiking000.000%
308301CF1496D. Let's Go Hiking000.000%
308364CF1508A. Binary Literature000.000%
308373CF1509D. Binary Literature000.000%
308399CF1512F. Education050.000%
308478CF1527B2. Palindrome Game (hard version)000.000%
308587CF1543C. Need for Pink Slips000.000%
308600CF1545B. AquaMoon and Chess000.000%
308609CF1546D. AquaMoon and Chess000.000%
308617CF1547F. Array Stabilization (GCD version)000.000%
308689CF1558B. Up the Strip000.000%
308705CF1560F1. Nearest Beautiful Number (easy version)000.000%
308711CF1561D2. Up the Strip000.000%
308722CF1563B. Up the Strip000.000%
308745CF1569D. Inconvenient Pairs000.000%
308858CF1585D. Yet Another Sorting Problem000.000%
308886CF1591D. Yet Another Sorting Problem000.000%
308900CF1593D2. Half of Same000.000%
308939CF1601B. Frog Traveler000.000%
308947CF1602D. Frog Traveler000.000%
309011CF1611E2. Escape The Maze (hard version)000.000%
309024CF1613D. MEX Sequences000.000%
309074CF1620E. Replace the Numbers000.000%
309103CF1624G. MinOr Tree000.000%
309119CF1627D. Not Adding000.000%
309213CF1644E. Expand the Path000.000%
309232CF1647D. Madoka and the Best School in Russia000.000%
309251CF1650E. Rescheduling the Exam000.000%
309257CF1651D. Nearest Excluded Points000.000%
309278CF1656D. K-good000.000%
309300CF1659D. Reverse Sort Sum000.000%
309313CF1661D. Progressions Covering000.000%
309401CF1673D. Lost Arithmetic Progression000.000%
309429CF1677C. Tokitsukaze and Two Colorful Tapes000.000%
309438CF1678E. Tokitsukaze and Two Colorful Tapes000.000%
309443CF1679D. Toss a Coin to Your Graph...000.000%
309499CF1689D. Lena and Matrix000.000%
309543CF1696D. Permutation Graph000.000%
309551CF1697D. Guess The String000.000%
309569CF1700D. River Locks000.000%
309575CF1701D. Permutation Restoration000.000%
309584CF1702G1. Passable Paths (easy version)000.000%
309596CF1704D. Magical Array000.000%
309615CF1707B. Difference Array000.000%
309623CF1708D. Difference Array000.000%
309660CF1714F. Build a Tree and That Is It000.000%
309665CF1715D. 2+ doors000.000%
309677CF1717D. Madoka and The Corruption Scheme000.000%
309681CF1718A2. Burenka and Traditions (hard version)000.000%
309691CF1719D2. Burenka and Traditions (hard version)000.000%
309749CF1729F. Kirei and the Linear Function080.000%
309804CF1738D. Permutation Addicts000.000%
309812CF1739D. Reset K Edges000.000%
309850CF1744E2. Divisible Numbers (hard version)000.000%
309855CF1746D. Paths on the Tree000.000%
309863CF1747D. Yet Another Problem000.000%
309874CF1749D. Counting Arrays000.000%
309919CF1759G. Restore the Permutation000.000%
310035CF1774E. Two Chess Pieces000.000%
310113CF1784B. Letter Exchange000.000%
310128CF1786D. Letter Exchange000.000%
310166CF1791G2. Teleporters (Hard Version)000.000%
310230CF1801C. Music Festival000.000%
310239CF1802E. Music Festival000.000%
310274CF1808C. Unlucky Numbers000.000%
311214CF1950G. Shuffling Songs0140.000%