Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
308494CF1530A. Binary Decimal000.000%
308495CF1530B. Putting Plates000.000%
308496CF1530C. Pursuit000.000%
308497CF1530D. Secret Santa000.000%
308498CF1530E. Minimax000.000%
308499CF1530F. Bingo000.000%
308500CF1530G. What a Reversal000.000%
308501CF1530H. Turing's Award000.000%
308688CF1558A. Charmed by the Game000.000%
308689CF1558B. Up the Strip000.000%
308690CF1558C. Bottom-Tier Reversals000.000%
308691CF1558D. Top-Notch Insertions000.000%
308692CF1558E. Down Below000.000%
308693CF1558F. Strange Sort000.000%
308707CF1561A. Simply Strange Sort000.000%
308708CF1561B. Charmed by the Game000.000%
308709CF1561C. Deep Down Below000.000%
308710CF1561D1. Up the Strip (simplified version)000.000%
308711CF1561D2. Up the Strip000.000%
308712CF1561E. Bottom-Tier Reversals000.000%
308713CF1561F. Top-Notch Insertions000.000%