Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
306101CF1146D. Frog Jumping000.000%
306210CF1164A. Three Friends (1 point)000.000%
306211CF1164B. Triangle Area (1 point)000.000%
306212CF1164C. 7-digit Number (1 point)000.000%
306213CF1164D. Multiple of 29 (1 point)000.000%
306214CF1164E. Least Possible Difference (1 point)000.000%
306215CF1164F. Regular Polygon (1 point)000.000%
306216CF1164G. Find Number (1 point)000.000%
306217CF1164H. Circle Radius (2 points)000.000%
306218CF1164I. Maximum Value (2 points)000.000%
306219CF1164J. Eleven Segments (2 points)000.000%
306220CF1164K. 2018 Integers (2 points)000.000%
306221CF1164L. Queens (2 points)000.000%
306222CF1164M. Seven Digit Number (2 points)000.000%
306223CF1164N. All Streets (2 points)000.000%
306224CF1164O. Greatest Prime Divisor (2 points)000.000%
306225CF1164P. Equilateral Triangles (2 points)000.000%
306226CF1164Q. Surjective Functions (3 points)000.000%
306227CF1164R. Divisible by 83 (3 points)000.000%
306228CF1164S. Find Distance (3 points)000.000%
306229CF1164T. Compute the Product (3 points)000.000%
306230CF1164U. The Greatest Possible Value (3 points)000.000%
306586CF1218C. Jumping Transformers000.000%
306597CF1219E. Jumping Transformers000.000%
306605CF1220D. Alex and Julian000.000%
306699CF1239B. The World Is Just a Programming Task (Hard Version)000.000%
306756CF1248D1. The World Is Just a Programming Task (Easy Version)000.000%
306757CF1248D2. The World Is Just a Programming Task (Hard Version)000.000%
306823CF1256C. Platforms Jumping000.000%
306899CF1267J. Just Arrange the Icons000.000%
307003CF1285B. Just Eat It!000.000%
307227CF1324C. Frog Jumps0120.000%
307688CF1397A. Juggling Letters000.000%
307744CF1407D. Discrete Centrifugal Jumps000.000%
307904CF1432F. Platforms Jumping000.000%
308032CF1455B. Jumps000.000%
308140CF1472C. Long Jumps000.000%
308329CF1500F. Cupboards Jumps000.000%
308511CF1532B. Frog Jumping000.000%
308637CF1550F. Jumping Around000.000%
308744CF1569C. Jury Meeting000.000%
308808CF1578J. Just Kingdom000.000%
308876CF1588F. Jumping Through the Array000.000%
309047CF1616G. Just Add an Edge000.000%
309292CF1658C. Shinju and the Lost Permutation000.000%
309296CF1658F. Juju and Binary String000.000%
309746CF1729C. Jumping on Tiles080.000%
309816CF1740B. Jumbo Extra Cheese 2000.000%
309989CF1768F. Wonderful Jump000.000%
310028CF1773J. Jumbled Trees000.000%
310029CF1773J. Jumbled Trees
310908CF1907D. Jumping Through Segments000.000%
311277CF1959E. Jumping on Tiles000.000%
400023GYM100009 A A000.000%
400024GYM100009 B B000.000%
400025GYM100009 C C000.000%
400026GYM100009 D D000.000%
400027GYM100009 E E000.000%
400169GYM100084 J Jungle Outpost000.000%
400195GYM100090 M Jumping along the Hummocks000.000%
400270GYM100112 J Juice000.000%
400305GYM100125 J Juggle with Criteria000.000%
400317GYM100134 J Jumping Around000.000%
400343GYM100143 G High Jump000.000%
400494GYM100197 D Little Jumper000.000%
400592GYM100212 B I Just Called...000.000%
400808GYM100253 F Judging Time Prediction000.000%
400845GYM100263 F Judging Time Prediction000.000%
400964GYM100297 E Nu, pogodi! (Well, Just You Wait)000.000%
401154GYM100372 A Sergey and reduction (Junior)000.000%
401155GYM100372 B Sergey and a pattern (Junior)000.000%
401156GYM100372 C Sergey and array (Junior)000.000%
401172GYM100374 A Who Calls the Crystal Maiden? (Junior)000.000%
401173GYM100374 B World of Dota: Cross (Junior)000.000%
401174GYM100374 C Warlock (Junior)000.000%
401175GYM100374 D Wild Card: Subway000.000%
401176GYM100374 E Wild Card: Bus000.000%
401177GYM100374 F Windrunner at Your Service000.000%
401178GYM100374 G What is the Answer?000.000%
401179GYM100374 H We Admit No Defeat000.000%
401180GYM100374 I Wex-Wex-Wex000.000%
401190GYM100376 A Lucky pairs (Junior)000.000%
401191GYM100376 B Laser (Junior)000.000%
401192GYM100376 C Christmas gifts (Junior)000.000%
401193GYM100376 D Deputies on the tree (Junior)000.000%
401194GYM100376 E LinearMapReduce000.000%
401195GYM100376 F Circles and trees000.000%
401196GYM100376 G Petya and the game000.000%
401197GYM100376 H Petya and arrays000.000%
401198GYM100376 I Petya and arrays 2000.000%
401199GYM100376 J Petya and rectangles000.000%
401200GYM100376 K Yet Another Binary Tree Problem000.000%
401286GYM100382 E Equilateral Polygon000.000%
401287GYM100382 F Flawless Numbers000.000%
401288GYM100382 G Grep000.000%
401289GYM100382 H Hash It!000.000%
401290GYM100382 I Interactive Problem 2000.000%
401291GYM100382 J Jolly Dolls000.000%
401292GYM100382 K Block Shuffling (junior league)000.000%
401293GYM100382 L Digit Permutation (junior league)000.000%