Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
304556CF867D. Gotta Go Fast000.000%
304557CF867E. Buy Low Sell High000.000%
304558CF867F. Hex Dyslexia000.000%
304559CF868A. Bark to Unlock000.000%
304560CF868B. Race Against Time000.000%
304561CF868C. Qualification Rounds000.000%
304562CF868D. Huge Strings000.000%
304563CF868E. Policeman and a Tree000.000%
304564CF868F. Yet Another Minimization Problem000.000%
304565CF868G. El Toll Caves000.000%
304566CF869A. The Artful Expedient000.000%
304567CF869B. The Eternal Immortality000.000%
304568CF869C. The Intriguing Obsession000.000%
304569CF869D. The Overdosing Ubiquity000.000%
304570CF869E. The Untended Antiquity000.000%
304571CF870A. Search for Pretty Integers000.000%
304572CF870B. Maximum of Maximums of Minimums000.000%
304573CF870C. Maximum splitting000.000%
304574CF870D. Something with XOR Queries000.000%
304575CF870E. Points, Lines and Ready-made Titles000.000%
304576CF870F. Paths000.000%
304577CF871A. Maximum splitting000.000%
304578CF871B. Something with XOR Queries000.000%
304579CF871C. Points, Lines and Ready-made Titles000.000%
304580CF871D. Paths000.000%
304581CF871E. Restore the Tree000.000%
304582CF872A. Search for Pretty Integers000.000%
304583CF872B. Maximum of Maximums of Minimums000.000%
304584CF872C. Maximum splitting000.000%
304585CF872D. Something with XOR Queries000.000%
304586CF872E. Points, Lines and Ready-made Titles000.000%
304587CF873A. Chores000.000%
304588CF873B. Balanced Substring000.000%
304589CF873C. Strange Game On Matrix000.000%
304590CF873D. Merge Sort000.000%
304591CF873E. Awards For Contestants000.000%
304592CF873F. Forbidden Indices000.000%
304593CF875A. Classroom Watch000.000%
304594CF875B. Sorting the Coins000.000%
304595CF875C. National Property000.000%
304596CF875D. High Cry000.000%
304597CF875E. Delivery Club000.000%
304598CF875F. Royal Questions000.000%
304599CF876A. Trip For Meal000.000%
304600CF876B. Divisiblity of Differences000.000%
304601CF876C. Classroom Watch000.000%
304602CF876D. Sorting the Coins000.000%
304603CF876E. National Property000.000%
304604CF876F. High Cry000.000%
304605CF877A. Alex and broken contest000.000%
304606CF877B. Nikita and string000.000%
304607CF877C. Slava and tanks000.000%
304608CF877D. Olya and Energy Drinks000.000%
304609CF877E. Danil and a Part-time Job000.000%
304610CF877F. Ann and Books000.000%
304611CF878A. Short Program000.000%
304612CF878B. Teams Formation000.000%
304613CF878C. Tournament000.000%
304614CF878D. Magic Breeding000.000%
304615CF878E. Numbers on the blackboard000.000%
304616CF879A. Borya's Diagnosis000.000%
304617CF879B. Table Tennis000.000%
304618CF879C. Short Program000.000%
304619CF879D. Teams Formation000.000%
304620CF879E. Tournament000.000%
304621CF883A. Automatic Door000.000%
304622CF883B. Berland Army000.000%
304623CF883C. Downloading B++000.000%
304624CF883D. Packmen Strike Back000.000%
304625CF883E. Field of Wonders000.000%
304626CF883F. Lost in Transliteration000.000%
304627CF883G. Orientation of Edges000.000%
304628CF883H. Palindromic Cut000.000%
304629CF883I. Photo Processing000.000%
304630CF883J. Renovation000.000%
304631CF883K. Road Widening000.000%
304632CF883L. Berland.Taxi000.000%
304633CF883M. Quadcopter Competition000.000%
304634CF884A. Book Reading000.000%
304635CF884B. Japanese Crosswords Strike Back000.000%
304636CF884C. Bertown Subway000.000%
304637CF884D. Boxes And Balls000.000%
304638CF884E. Binary Matrix000.000%
304639CF884F. Anti-Palindromize000.000%
304640CF886A. ACM ICPC000.000%
304641CF886B. Vlad and Cafes000.000%
304642CF886C. Petya and Catacombs000.000%
304643CF886D. Restoration of string000.000%
304644CF886E. Maximum Element000.000%
304645CF886F. Symmetric Projections000.000%
304646CF887A. Div. 64000.000%
304647CF887B. Cubes for Masha000.000%
304648CF887C. Solution for Cube000.000%
304649CF887D. Ratings and Reality Shows000.000%
304650CF887E. Little Brother000.000%
304651CF887F. Row of Models000.000%
304652CF888A. Local Extrema000.000%
304653CF888B. Buggy Robot000.000%
304654CF888C. K-Dominant Character000.000%
304655CF888D. Almost Identity Permutations000.000%