Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
103076[Atcoder]ABC307 G - Approximate Equalization000.000%
103081[Atcoder]ABC308 B - Default Price060.000%
103082[Atcoder]ABC308 C - Standings060.000%
103086[Atcoder]ABC308 G - Minimum Xor Pair Query000.000%
103090[Atcoder]ABC309 A - Nine0100.000%
103092[Atcoder]ABC309 C - Medicine0100.000%
103094[Atcoder]ABC309 E - Family and Insurance0130.000%
103095[Atcoder]ABC309 F - Box in Box020.000%
103096[Atcoder]ABC309 G - Ban Permutation010.000%
103097[Atcoder]ABC309 Ex - Simple Path Counting Problem000.000%
103100[Atcoder]ABC310 A - Order Something Else070.000%
103101[Atcoder]ABC310 B - Strictly Superior050.000%
103102[Atcoder]ABC310 C - Reversible040.000%
103105[Atcoder]ABC310 F - Make 10 Again000.000%
103106[Atcoder]ABC310 G - Takahashi And Pass-The-Ball Game000.000%
103107[Atcoder]ABC310 Ex - Negative Cost000.000%
103110[Atcoder]ABC311 A - First ABC070.000%
103111[Atcoder]ABC311 B - Vacation Together070.000%
103112[Atcoder]ABC311 C - Find it!070.000%
103113[Atcoder]ABC311 D - Grid Ice Floor050.000%
103115[Atcoder]ABC311 F - Yet Another Grid Task000.000%
103116[Atcoder]ABC311 G - One More Grid Task000.000%
103117[Atcoder]ABC311 Ex - Many Illumination Plans000.000%
103122[Atcoder]ABC312 C - Invisible Hand0220.000%
103124[Atcoder]ABC312 E - Tangency of Cuboids 050.000%
103126[Atcoder]ABC312 G - Avoid Straight Line010.000%
103130[Atcoder]ABC313 A - To Be Saikyo0140.000%
103131[Atcoder]ABC313 B - Who is Saikyo?060.000%
103132[Atcoder]ABC313 C - Approximate Equalization 2090.000%
103134[Atcoder]ABC313 E - Duplicate090.000%
103135[Atcoder]ABC313 F - Flip Machines000.000%
103136[Atcoder]ABC313 G - Redistribution of Piles000.000%
103145[Atcoder]ABC314 F - A Certain Game040.000%
103147[Atcoder]ABC314 Ex - Disk and Segments000.000%
103151[Atcoder]ABC315 B - The Middle Day060.000%
103153[Atcoder]ABC315 D - Magical Cookies090.000%
103154[Atcoder]ABC315 E - Prerequisites060.000%
103156[Atcoder]ABC315 G - Ai + Bj + Ck = X (1 <= i, j, k <= N)000.000%
103157[Atcoder]ABC315 Ex - Typical Convolution Problem000.000%
103170[Atcoder]ABC317 A - Potions070.000%
103171[Atcoder]ABC317 B - MissingNo.060.000%
103172[Atcoder]ABC317 C - Remembering the Days070.000%
103173[Atcoder]ABC317 D - President050.000%
103174[Atcoder]ABC317 E - Avoid Eye Contact050.000%
103175[Atcoder]ABC317 F - Nim030.000%
103176[Atcoder]ABC317 G - Rearranging010.000%
103181[Atcoder]ABC318 B - Overlapping sheets0170.000%
103182[Atcoder]ABC318 C - Blue Spring0230.000%
103183[Atcoder]ABC318 D - General Weighted Max Matching0110.000%
103184[Atcoder]ABC318 E - Sandwiches0360.000%
103186[Atcoder]ABC318 G - Typical Path Problem010.000%
103193[Atcoder]ABC319 D - Minimum Width060.000%
103195[Atcoder]ABC319 F - Fighter Takahashi020.000%
103196[Atcoder]ABC319 G - Counting Shortest Paths000.000%
103201[Atcoder]ABC320 B - Longest Palindrome070.000%
103203[Atcoder]ABC320 D - Relative Position090.000%
103204[Atcoder]ABC320 E - Somen Nagashi060.000%
103205[Atcoder]ABC320 F - Fuel Round Trip020.000%
103210[Atcoder]ABC321 A - 321-like Checker0100.000%
103212[Atcoder]ABC321 C - 321-like Searcher0110.000%
103214[Atcoder]ABC321 E - Complete Binary Tree080.000%
103215[Atcoder]ABC321 F - #(subset sum = K) with Add and Erase 090.000%
103216[Atcoder]ABC321 G - Electric Circuit000.000%
103220[Atcoder]ABC322 A - First ABC 2080.000%
103221[Atcoder]ABC322 B - Prefix and Suffix0110.000%
103222[Atcoder]ABC322 C - Festival090.000%
103223[Atcoder]ABC322 D - Polyomino050.000%
103225[Atcoder]ABC322 F - Vacation Query020.000%
103226[Atcoder]ABC322 G - Two Kinds of Base000.000%
103231[Atcoder]ABC323 B - Round-Robin Tournament040.000%
103232[Atcoder]ABC323 C - World Tour Finals030.000%
103233[Atcoder]ABC323 D - Merge Slimes030.000%
103234[Atcoder]ABC323 E - Playlist030.000%
103236[Atcoder]ABC323 G - Inversion of Tree000.000%
103242[Atcoder]ABC324 C - Error Correction070.000%
103243[Atcoder]ABC324 D - Square Permutation050.000%
103244[Atcoder]ABC324 E - Joint Two Strings040.000%
103245[Atcoder]ABC324 F - Beautiful Path030.000%
103250[Atcoder]ABC325 A - Takahashi san060.000%
103251[Atcoder]ABC325 B - World Meeting020.000%
103253[Atcoder]ABC325 D - Printing Machine040.000%
103254[Atcoder]ABC325 E - Our clients, please wait a moment030.000%
103255[Atcoder]ABC325 F - Sensor Optimization Dilemma 000.000%
103261[Atcoder]ABC326 B - 326-like Numbers0130.000%
103264[Atcoder]ABC326 E - Revenge of "The Salary of AtCoder Inc."030.000%
103265[Atcoder]ABC326 F - Robot Rotation000.000%
103266[Atcoder]ABC326 G - Unlock Achievement000.000%
103274[Atcoder]ABC327 E - Maximize Rating040.000%
103282[Atcoder]ABC328 C - Consecutive070.000%
103293[Atcoder]ABC329 D - Election Quick Report090.000%
103296[Atcoder]ABC329 G - Delivery on Tree000.000%
103300[Atcoder]ABC330 A - Counting Passes0100.000%
103301[Atcoder]ABC330 B - Minimize Abs 10140.000%
103302[Atcoder]ABC330 C - Minimize Abs 20150.000%
103303[Atcoder]ABC330 D - Counting Ls090.000%
103305[Atcoder]ABC330 F - Minimize Bounding Square000.000%
103306[Atcoder]ABC330 G - Inversion Squared000.000%
103311[Atcoder]ABC331 B - Buy One Carton of Milk0130.000%
103313[Atcoder]ABC331 D - Tile Pattern0100.000%
103315[Atcoder]ABC331 F - Palindrome Query000.000%