Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
308498CF1530E. Minimax000.000%
308520CF1533E. Chess Team Forming000.000%
308521CF1533F. Binary String Partition000.000%
308522CF1533G. Biome Map000.000%
308524CF1533I. Excursions000.000%
308527CF1534B. Histogram Ugliness000.000%
308528CF1534C. Little Alawn's Puzzle000.000%
308530CF1534E. Lost Array000.000%
308531CF1534F1. Falling Sand (Easy Version)000.000%
308532CF1534F2. Falling Sand (Hard Version)000.000%
308534CF1534H. Lost Nodes000.000%
308536CF1535B. Array Reodering000.000%
308537CF1535C. Unstable String000.000%
308539CF1535E. Gold Transfer000.000%
308544CF1536D. Omkar and Medians000.000%
308545CF1536E. Omkar and Forest000.000%
308547CF1537A. Arithmetic Array000.000%
308548CF1537B. Bad Boy000.000%
308549CF1537C. Challenging Cliffs000.000%
308551CF1537E1. Erase and Extend (Easy Version)000.000%
308552CF1537E2. Erase and Extend (Hard Version)000.000%
308553CF1537F. Figure Fixing000.000%
308554CF1538A. Stone Game000.000%
308555CF1538B. Friends and Candies000.000%
308560CF1538G. Gift Set000.000%
308561CF1539A. Contest Start000.000%
308563CF1539C. Stable Groups000.000%
308564CF1539D. PriceFixed000.000%
308565CF1539E. Game with Cards000.000%
308566CF1539F. Strange Array000.000%
308567CF1540A. Great Graphs000.000%
308568CF1540B. Tree Array000.000%
308573CF1541A. Pretty Permutations000.000%
308575CF1541C. Great Graphs000.000%
308576CF1541D. Tree Array000.000%
308585CF1543A. Exciting Bets000.000%
308586CF1543B. Customising the Track000.000%
308590CF1543E. The Final Pursuit000.000%
308594CF1544D. Secret Santa000.000%
308595CF1544E. Minimax000.000%
308601CF1545C. AquaMoon and Permutations000.000%
308606CF1546A. AquaMoon and Two Arrays000.000%
308610CF1546E. AquaMoon and Permutations000.000%
308613CF1547B. Alphabetical Strings000.000%
308614CF1547C. Pair Programming000.000%
308615CF1547D. Co-growing Sequence000.000%
308618CF1547G. How Many Paths?000.000%
308619CF1548A. Web of Lies000.000%
308622CF1548D1. Gregor and the Odd Cows (Easy)000.000%
308623CF1548D2. Gregor and the Odd Cows (Hard)000.000%
308624CF1548E. Gregor and the Two Painters000.000%
308625CF1549A. Gregor and Cryptography000.000%
308626CF1549B. Gregor and the Pawn Game000.000%
308627CF1549C. Web of Lies000.000%
308630CF1549F1. Gregor and the Odd Cows (Easy)000.000%
308631CF1549F2. Gregor and the Odd Cows (Hard)000.000%
308632CF1550A. Find The Array000.000%
308633CF1550B. Maximum Cost Deletion000.000%
308634CF1550C. Manhattan Subarrays000.000%
308637CF1550F. Jumping Around000.000%
308638CF1551A. Polycarp and Coins000.000%
308639CF1551B1. Wonderful Coloring - 1000.000%
308640CF1551B2. Wonderful Coloring - 2000.000%
308641CF1551C. Interesting Story000.000%
308647CF1552B. Running for Gold000.000%
308648CF1552C. Maximize the Intersections000.000%
308649CF1552D. Array Differentiation000.000%
308650CF1552E. Colors and Intervals000.000%
308658CF1553D. Backspace000.000%
308661CF1553G. Common Divisor Graph000.000%
308664CF1554A. Cherry000.000%
308665CF1554B. Cobb000.000%
308666CF1554C. Mikasa000.000%
308667CF1554D. Diane000.000%
308674CF1555F. Good Graph000.000%
308679CF1556E. Equilibrium000.000%
308682CF1556H. DIY Tree000.000%
308684CF1557B. Moamen and k-subarrays000.000%
308686CF1557D. Ezzat and Grid000.000%
308690CF1558C. Bottom-Tier Reversals000.000%
308692CF1558E. Down Below000.000%
308695CF1559B. Mocha and Red and Blue000.000%
308696CF1559C. Mocha and Hiking000.000%
308697CF1559D1. Mocha and Diana (Easy Version)000.000%
308698CF1559D2. Mocha and Diana (Hard Version)000.000%
308703CF1560D. Make a Power of Two000.000%
308705CF1560F1. Nearest Beautiful Number (easy version)000.000%
308706CF1560F2. Nearest Beautiful Number (hard version)000.000%
308709CF1561C. Deep Down Below000.000%
308714CF1562A. The Miracle and the Sleeper000.000%
308719CF1562E. Rescue Niwen!000.000%
308725CF1563E. Down Below000.000%
308727CF1566A. Median Maximization000.000%
308728CF1566B. MIN-MEX Cut000.000%
308729CF1566C. MAX-MEX Cut000.000%
308730CF1566D1. Seating Arrangements (easy version) 000.000%
308731CF1566D2. Seating Arrangements (hard version) 000.000%
308732CF1566E. Buds Re-hanging000.000%
308733CF1566F. Points Movement000.000%
308734CF1566G. Four Vertices000.000%