Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
302951CF575D. Tablecity000.000%
302952CF575E. Spectator Riots000.000%
302953CF575F. Bulbo000.000%
302954CF575G. Run for beer000.000%
302955CF575H. Bots000.000%
302956CF575I. Robots protection000.000%
302957CF576A. Vasya and Petya's Game000.000%
302958CF576B. Invariance of Tree000.000%
302959CF576C. Points on Plane000.000%
302960CF576D. Flights for Regular Customers000.000%
302961CF576E. Painting Edges000.000%
302962CF577A. Multiplication Table000.000%
302963CF577B. Modulo Sum000.000%
302964CF577C. Vasya and Petya's Game000.000%
302965CF577D. Invariance of Tree000.000%
302966CF577E. Points on Plane000.000%
302967CF578A. A Problem about Polyline000.000%
302968CF578B. "Or" Game000.000%
302969CF578C. Weakness and Poorness000.000%
302970CF578D. LCS Again000.000%
302971CF578E. Walking!000.000%
302972CF578F. Mirror Box000.000%
302973CF579A. Raising Bacteria000.000%
302974CF579B. Finding Team Member000.000%
302975CF579C. A Problem about Polyline000.000%
302976CF579D. "Or" Game000.000%
302977CF579E. Weakness and Poorness000.000%
302978CF579F. LCS Again000.000%
303386CF657A. Bear and Forgotten Tree 3000.000%
303387CF657B. Bear and Polynomials000.000%
303388CF657C. Bear and Contribution000.000%
303389CF657D. Bear and Paradox000.000%
303390CF657E. Bear and Chemistry000.000%
303520CF681A. A Good Contest000.000%
303521CF681B. Economy Game000.000%
303522CF681C. Heap Operations000.000%
303523CF681D. Gifts by the List000.000%
303524CF681E. Runaway to a Shadow000.000%
303928CF757A. Gotta Catch Em' All!000.000%
303929CF757B. Bash's Big Day000.000%
303930CF757C. Felicity is Coming!000.000%
303931CF757D. Felicity's Big Secret Revealed000.000%
303932CF757E. Bash Plays with Functions000.000%
303933CF757F. Team Rocket Rises Again000.000%
303934CF757G. Can Bash Save the Day?000.000%
304809CF916A. Jamie and Alarm Snooze000.000%
304810CF916B. Jamie and Binary Sequence (changed after round)000.000%
304811CF916C. Jamie and Interesting Graph000.000%
304812CF916D. Jamie and To-do List000.000%
304813CF916E. Jamie and Tree000.000%
305039CF957A. Tritonic Iridescence000.000%
305040CF957B. Mystical Mosaic000.000%
305041CF957C. Three-level Laser000.000%
305042CF957D. Riverside Curio000.000%
305043CF957E. Contact ATC000.000%
305576CF1057A. Bmail Computer Network000.000%
305577CF1057B. DDoS000.000%
305578CF1057C. Tanya and Colored Candies000.000%
305828CF1096A. Find Divisible000.000%
305829CF1096B. Substring Removal000.000%
305830CF1096C. Polygon for the Angle000.000%
305831CF1096D. Easy Problem000.000%
305832CF1096E. The Top Scorer000.000%
305833CF1096F. Inversion Expectation000.000%
305834CF1096G. Lucky Tickets000.000%
306169CF1157A. Reachable Numbers000.000%
306170CF1157B. Long Number000.000%
306171CF1157C1. Increasing Subsequence (easy version)000.000%
306172CF1157C2. Increasing Subsequence (hard version)000.000%
306173CF1157D. N Problems During K Days000.000%
306174CF1157E. Minimum Array000.000%
306175CF1157F. Maximum Balanced Circle000.000%
306176CF1157G. Inverse of Rows and Columns000.000%
306190CF1161A. Hide and Seek000.000%
306191CF1161B. Chladni Figure000.000%
306192CF1161C. Thanos Nim000.000%
306193CF1161D. Palindrome XOR000.000%
306194CF1161E. Rainbow Coins000.000%
306195CF1161F. Zigzag Game000.000%
306196CF1162A. Zoning Restrictions Again000.000%
306197CF1162B. Double Matrix000.000%
306198CF1162C. Hide and Seek000.000%
306199CF1162D. Chladni Figure000.000%
306200CF1162E. Thanos Nim000.000%
306201CF1162F. Palindrome XOR000.000%
306342CF1183A. Nearest Interesting Number000.000%
306343CF1183B. Equalize Prices000.000%
306344CF1183C. Computer Game000.000%
306345CF1183D. Candy Box (easy version)000.000%
306346CF1183E. Subsequences (easy version)000.000%
306347CF1183F. Topforces Strikes Back000.000%
306348CF1183G. Candy Box (hard version)000.000%
306349CF1183H. Subsequences (hard version)000.000%
306373CF1186A. Vus the Cossack and a Contest000.000%
306374CF1186C. Vus the Cossack and Strings000.000%
306375CF1186D. Vus the Cossack and Numbers000.000%
306376CF1186E. Vus the Cossack and a Field000.000%
306377CF1186F. Vus the Cossack and a Graph000.000%
306385CF1188A1. Add on a Tree000.000%
306386CF1188A2. Add on a Tree: Revolution000.000%