Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
102893[Atcoder]ABC289 D - Step Up Robot0190.000%
102894[Atcoder]ABC289 E - Swap Places0210.000%
102895[Atcoder]ABC289 F - Teleporter Takahashi010.000%
102896[Atcoder]ABC289 G - Shopping in AtCoder store000.000%
102897[Atcoder]ABC289 Ex - Trio000.000%
200890[AtCoder]ARC089 C - Traveling000.000%
200891[AtCoder]ARC089 D - Checker000.000%
200892[AtCoder]ARC089 E - GraphXY000.000%
200893[AtCoder]ARC089 F - ColoringBalls000.000%
300465CF89A. Robbery000.000%
300466CF89B. Widget Library000.000%
300467CF89C. Chip Play000.000%
300468CF89D. Space mines000.000%
300469CF89E. Fire and Ice000.000%
300615CF118A. String Task000.000%
300616CF118B. Present from Lena000.000%
300617CF118C. Fancy Number000.000%
300618CF118D. Caesar's Legions000.000%
300619CF118E. Bertown roads000.000%
301001CF189A. Cut Ribbon000.000%
301002CF189B. Counting Rhombi000.000%
301003CF189C. Permutations000.000%
301004CF189D. AlgoRace000.000%
301005CF189E. Weak Memory000.000%
301529CF289A. Polo the Penguin and Segments 000.000%
301530CF289B. Polo the Penguin and Matrix000.000%
301531CF289C. Polo the Penguin and Strings000.000%
301532CF289D. Polo the Penguin and Houses 000.000%
301533CF289E. Polo the Penguin and XOR operation000.000%
301682CF319A. Malek Dance Club000.000%
301683CF319B. Psychos in a Line000.000%
301684CF319C. Kalila and Dimna in the Logging Industry000.000%
301685CF319D. Have You Ever Heard About the Word?000.000%
301686CF319E. Ping-Pong000.000%
301687CF320A. Magic Numbers000.000%
301688CF320B. Ping-Pong (Easy Version)000.000%
301689CF320C. Malek Dance Club000.000%
301690CF320D. Psychos in a Line000.000%
301691CF320E. Kalila and Dimna in the Logging Industry000.000%
302046CF389A. Fox and Number Game000.000%
302047CF389B. Fox and Cross000.000%
302048CF389C. Fox and Box Accumulation000.000%
302049CF389D. Fox and Minimal path000.000%
302050CF389E. Fox and Card Game000.000%
302530CF489A. SwapSort000.000%
302531CF489B. BerSU Ball000.000%
302532CF489C. Given Length and Sum of Digits...000.000%
302533CF489D. Unbearable Controversy of Being000.000%
302534CF489E. Hiking000.000%
302535CF489F. Special Matrices000.000%
302622CF509A. Maximum in Table000.000%
302623CF509B. Painting Pebbles000.000%
302624CF509C. Sums of Digits000.000%
302625CF509D. Restoring Numbers000.000%
302626CF509E. Pretty Song000.000%
302627CF509F. Progress Monitoring000.000%
303561CF689A. Mike and Cellphone000.000%
303562CF689B. Mike and Shortcuts000.000%
303563CF689C. Mike and Chocolate Thieves000.000%
303564CF689D. Friends and Subsequences000.000%
303565CF689E. Mike and Geometry Problem000.000%
303901CF752A. Santa Claus and a Place in a Class000.000%
303902CF752B. Santa Claus and Keyboard Check000.000%
303903CF752C. Santa Claus and Robot000.000%
303904CF752D. Santa Claus and a Palindrome000.000%
303905CF752E. Santa Claus and Tangerines000.000%
303906CF752F. Santa Clauses and a Soccer Championship000.000%
304107CF789A. Anastasia and pebbles0430.000%
304108CF789B. Masha and geometric depression0690.000%
304109CF789C. Functions again0230.000%
304110CF789D. Weird journey0540.000%
304111CF789E. The Great Mixing0210.000%
304659CF889A. Petya and Catacombs000.000%
304660CF889B. Restoration of string000.000%
304661CF889C. Maximum Element000.000%
304662CF889D. Symmetric Projections000.000%
304663CF889E. Mod Mod Mod000.000%
304664CF890A. ACM ICPC000.000%
304665CF890B. Vlad and Cafes000.000%
304666CF890C. Petya and Catacombs000.000%
304667CF890D. Restoration of string000.000%
304668CF890E. Maximum Element000.000%
304669CF890F. Symmetric Projections000.000%
304670CF891A. Pride000.000%
304671CF891B. Gluttony000.000%
304672CF891C. Envy000.000%
304673CF891D. Sloth000.000%
304674CF891E. Lust000.000%
304675CF892A. Greed000.000%
304676CF892B. Wrath000.000%
304677CF892C. Pride000.000%
304678CF892D. Gluttony000.000%
304679CF892E. Envy000.000%
304680CF893A. Chess For Three000.000%
304681CF893B. Beautiful Divisors000.000%
304682CF893C. Rumor000.000%
304683CF893D. Credit Card000.000%
304684CF893E. Counting Arrays000.000%
304685CF893F. Subtree Minimum Query000.000%
304686CF894A. QAQ000.000%