Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
303599CF696D. Legen...000.000%
303600CF696E. ...Wait for it...000.000%
303601CF696F. ...Dary!000.000%
303603CF697B. Barnicle000.000%
303604CF697C. Lorenzo Von Matterhorn000.000%
303607CF697F. Legen...000.000%
303609CF698B. Fix a Tree000.000%
303611CF698D. Limak and Shooting Points000.000%
303617CF699D. Fix a Tree000.000%
303621CF700B. Connecting Universities000.000%
303624CF700E. Cool Slogans000.000%
303627CF701C. They Are Everywhere000.000%
303629CF701E. Connecting Universities000.000%
303638CF703B. Mishka and trip000.000%
303639CF703C. Chris and Road000.000%
303646CF704E. Iron Man000.000%
303652CF706A. Beru-taxi000.000%
303654CF706C. Hard problem000.000%
303655CF706D. Vasiliy's Multiset000.000%
303659CF707C. Pythagorean Triples000.000%
303662CF708A. Letters Cyclic Shift000.000%
303663CF708B. Recover the String000.000%
303664CF708C. Centroids000.000%
303669CF709C. Letters Cyclic Shift000.000%
303670CF709D. Recover the String000.000%
303671CF709E. Centroids000.000%
303676CF710E. Generate a String000.000%
303677CF710F. String Set Queries000.000%
303680CF711C. Coloring Trees000.000%
303684CF712B. Memory and Trident000.000%
303700CF715C. Digit Tree000.000%
303707CF716E. Digit Tree000.000%
303711CF717D. Dexterina’s Lab000.000%
303716CF717I. Cowboy Beblop at his computer000.000%
303717CF718A. Efim and Strange Grade000.000%
303718CF718C. Sasha and Array000.000%
303719CF718D. Andrew and Chemistry000.000%
303721CF719A. Vitya in the Countryside000.000%
303723CF719C. Efim and Strange Grade000.000%
303724CF719E. Sasha and Array000.000%
303732CF721B. Passwords000.000%
303737CF722B. Verse Pattern000.000%
303738CF722C. Destroying Array000.000%
303739CF722D. Generating Sets000.000%
303743CF723B. Text Document Analysis000.000%
303747CF723F. st-Spanning Tree000.000%
303750CF724C. Ray Tracing000.000%
303751CF724D. Dense Subsequence000.000%
303752CF724E. Goods transportation000.000%
303753CF724F. Uniformly Branched Trees000.000%
303754CF724G. Xor-matic Number of the Graph000.000%
303757CF725C. Hidden Word000.000%
303761CF725G. Messages on a Tree000.000%
303762CF727A. Transformation: from A to B000.000%
303765CF727D. T-shirts Distribution000.000%
303768CF729A. Interview with Oleg000.000%
303786CF731A. Night at the Museum000.000%
303798CF733A. Grasshopper And the String000.000%
303800CF733C. Epidemic in Monstropolis000.000%
303803CF733F. Drivers Dissatisfaction000.000%
303804CF734A. Anton and Danik000.000%
303808CF734E. Anton and Tree000.000%
303810CF735A. Ostap and Grasshopper000.000%
303814CF735E. Ostap and Tree000.000%
303817CF736C. Ostap and Tree000.000%
303818CF736D. Permutations000.000%
303833CF739B. Alyona and a tree000.000%
303840CF740D. Alyona and a tree000.000%
303845CF741D. Arpa’s letter-marked tree and Mehrdad’s Dokhtar-kosh paths000.000%
303855CF743D. Chloe and pleasant prizes000.000%
303860CF744D. Hongcow Draws a Circle000.000%
303861CF744E. Hongcow Masters the Cyclic Shift000.000%
303862CF745A. Hongcow Learns the Cyclic Shift000.000%
303868CF746B. Decoding000.000%
303869CF746C. Tram000.000%
303873CF746G. New Roads000.000%
303875CF747B. Mammoth's Genome Decoding000.000%
303878CF747E. Comments000.000%
303881CF748B. Santa Claus and Keyboard Check000.000%
303885CF748F. Santa Clauses and a Soccer Championship000.000%
303887CF749B. Parallelogram is Back000.000%
303892CF750B. New Year and North Pole000.000%
303895CF750E. New Year and Old Subsequence000.000%
303896CF750F. New Year and Finding Roots000.000%
303897CF750G. New Year and Binary Tree Paths000.000%
303906CF752F. Santa Clauses and a Soccer Championship000.000%
303912CF754C. Vladik and chat000.000%
303914CF754E. Dasha and cyclic table000.000%
303916CF755B. PolandBall and Game000.000%
303917CF755C. PolandBall and Forest000.000%
303923CF756B. Travel Card000.000%
303930CF757C. Felicity is Coming!000.000%
303934CF757G. Can Bash Save the Day?000.000%
303938CF758D. Ability To Convert000.000%
303939CF758E. Broken Tree000.000%
303940CF758F. Geometrical Progression000.000%
303942CF759B. Travel Card000.000%
303947CF760A. Petr and a calendar000.000%
303950CF760D. Travel Card000.000%
303957CF761E. Dasha and Puzzle000.000%