Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
400170GYM100084 K K-Graph Oddity000.000%
400185GYM100090 C Graph Restoration000.000%
400399GYM100162 F Longest Two Graphs Common String000.000%
400528GYM100201 E Graduated Lexicographical Ordering000.000%
400553GYM100204 B Cryptography000.000%
400704GYM100228 I Graph of Inversions000.000%
400736GYM100236 L Lexicographically Minimal Poem000.000%
400953GYM100291 C Playing Fair with Cryptography000.000%
400984GYM100299 K Digraphs000.000%
400992GYM100300 G Pseudographical recognizer000.000%
401033GYM100337 A Graph Game000.000%
401077GYM100341 E Cryptography000.000%
401242GYM100380 H1 Edges are Being Added, Graph is Growing (subtask 1)000.000%
401243GYM100380 H2 Edges are Being Added, Graph is Growing (subtask 2)000.000%
401244GYM100380 H3 Edges are Being Added, Graph is Growing (subtask 3)000.000%
401330GYM100402 A Graph Theory000.000%
401356GYM100417 F Graph Factorization000.000%
401642GYM100503 J Choreographer Problem000.000%
401764GYM100524 B Bipartite Bicolored Graphs000.000%
401820GYM100534 C Coin Graph000.000%
401876GYM100551 B GraphAero000.000%
401879GYM100551 E Disconnected Graph000.000%
402032GYM100624 K Graphic Madness000.000%
402197GYM100694 G The Lost Graph000.000%
402259GYM100714 E Efficient Cartography000.000%
402308GYM100725 D Destroying The Graph000.000%
402443GYM100781 C Cryptographer's Conundrum000.000%
402538GYM100801 G Graph000.000%
402588GYM100814 C Connecting Graph000.000%
402807GYM100886 B Game on Bipartite Graph000.000%
402881GYM100935 B Weird Cryptography000.000%
402983GYM100960 E Cryptographic Argument000.000%
403395GYM101149 J Panoramic Photography000.000%
403501GYM101177 G Graphics Design000.000%
403521GYM101190 G Game on Graph000.000%
403574GYM101196 C The Key to Cryptography000.000%
403747GYM101252 J Choreographer Problem000.000%
403816GYM101309 K K-Graph Oddity000.000%
403925GYM101368 B Beatiful graph000.000%
403931GYM101368 H Unit-distance graph000.000%
403975GYM101380 D Disconnected Graph000.000%
403977GYM101380 F Discrete Logarithm Graph000.000%
403989GYM101382 H Small Graph000.000%
404006GYM101385 G Power Sum Graphs000.000%
404387GYM101492 D Geographic Information System000.000%
404845GYM101651 D Destroying The Graph000.000%
404923GYM101666 J Jumping Choreography000.000%
405038GYM101745 C Infinite Graph Game000.000%
405113GYM101798 H Cylindrical Graphs000.000%
405162GYM101808 B Amer and Graphs000.000%
405206GYM101845 C Cryptography000.000%
405404GYM101952 C Graph Gift000.000%
405423GYM101955 H Rainbow Graph000.000%
405612GYM102012 B Rikka with Line Graphs000.000%
405622GYM102012 L Rikka with Grid Graphs000.000%
405671GYM102028 L Connected Subgraphs000.000%
405959GYM102191 J Graph to Grid000.000%
406092GYM102264 A Graphs as a Service000.000%
406114GYM102268 G Graph Counting
406116GYM102268 I Interesting Graph000.000%
406368GYM102391 G Lexicographically Minimum Walk000.000%
406382GYM102392 J Graph and Cycles000.000%
406471GYM102419 D Xor the graph000.000%
406680GYM102483 K Kleptography000.000%
406839GYM102569 D Lexicographically Minimal Shortest Path000.000%
407239GYM102700 I Incredible photography000.000%
407308GYM102759 F Interval Graph000.000%
407313GYM102759 K Sewing Graph000.000%
407325GYM102760 K Sewing Graph000.000%
407591GYM102835 G Graph Cards000.000%
407720GYM102881 I Ehab The Baby Learned Graphs000.000%
407883GYM102916 G Lexicographically Minimal Subsequence000.000%
408878GYM103371 F Hedgehog Graph000.000%
409006GYM103414 J Computational ethnography000.000%
409025GYM103416 E Circular Graph000.000%
409049GYM103427 H Line Graph Matching000.000%
409233GYM103463 M Rikka with Random Graph000.000%
409255GYM103469 G Glory Graph000.000%
409358GYM103488 L Lexicographic Order000.000%
409372GYM103492 J Bigraph Extension000.000%
409541GYM103627 E Yet Another Interval Graph Problem000.000%
409758GYM103729 L Chtholly and the Broken Chronograph
409790GYM103743 G GCD on Bipartite Graph000.000%
410017GYM103914 G Lexicographic Comparison000.000%
410449GYM104022 G Photograph000.000%
410577GYM104053 K Middle Point Graph000.000%
410718GYM104090 G Subgraph Isomorphism000.000%
410931GYM104160 E Graph Completing
411028GYM104197 F F*** 3-Colorable Graphs
411029GYM104197 G Graph Problem With Small $n$