Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
5915BZOJ1915:[Usaco2010 Open]奶牛的跳格子游戏
6484BZOJ2484:Pku3915 Black Vienna
6915BZOJ2915:[Poi1997] gen
8915BZOJ 4915
304802CF915A. Garden000.000%
304803CF915B. Browser000.000%
304804CF915C. Permute Digits000.000%
304805CF915D. Almost Acyclic Graph000.000%
304806CF915E. Physical Education Lessons000.000%
304807CF915F. Imbalance Value of a Tree000.000%
304808CF915G. Coprime Arrays000.000%
310886CF1905A. Constructive Problems000.000%
310887CF1905B. Begginer's Zelda000.000%
310888CF1905C. Largest Subsequence000.000%
310889CF1905D. Cyclic MEX000.000%
310890CF1905E. One-X000.000%
310891CF1905F. Field Should Not Be Empty000.000%
310967CF1915A. Odd One Out020.000%
310968CF1915B. Not Quite Latin Square020.000%
310969CF1915C. Can I Square?040.000%
310970CF1915D. Unnatural Language Processing020.000%
310971CF1915E. Romantic Glasses020.000%
310972CF1915F. Greetings030.000%
310973CF1915G. Bicycles020.000%
405356GYM101915 A Printing Books000.000%
405357GYM101915 B Ali and Wi-Fi000.000%
405358GYM101915 C Shahhoud Training Hussain000.000%
405359GYM101915 D Largest Group000.000%
405360GYM101915 E Minesweeper000.000%
405361GYM101915 F A Missing Problem in TCPC2017000.000%
405362GYM101915 G Robots000.000%
405363GYM101915 H Buying Products000.000%
405364GYM101915 I A Movie in Byteland000.000%
405365GYM101915 J The Volcano Eruption000.000%
405366GYM101915 K Poor Ramzi000.000%
405367GYM101915 L Eyb0ss000.000%