Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
2866「一本通 5.3 例 2」数字游戏7716945.562%
5640BZOJ1640:[Usaco2007 Nov]Best Cow Line 队列变换
5641BZOJ1641:[Usaco2007 Nov]Cow Hurdles 奶牛跨栏
5642BZOJ1642:[Usaco2007 Nov]Milking Time 挤奶时间
5644BZOJ1644:[Usaco2007 Oct]Obstacle Course 障碍训练课
5645BZOJ1645:[Usaco2007 Open]City Horizon 城市地平线
5646BZOJ1646:[Usaco2007 Open]Catch That Cow 抓住那只牛
5647BZOJ1647:[Usaco2007 Open]Fliptile 翻格子游戏
5648BZOJ1648:[Usaco2006 Dec]Cow Picnic 奶牛野餐
5649BZOJ1649:[Usaco2006 Dec]Cow Roller Coaster
6481BZOJ2481:Pku3164 Command Network
101640[AtCoder]ABC164 A - Sheep and Wolves000.000%
101641[AtCoder]ABC164 B - Battle000.000%
101642[AtCoder]ABC164 C - gacha000.000%
101643[AtCoder]ABC164 D - Multiple of 2019000.000%
101644[AtCoder]ABC164 E - Two Currencies000.000%
101645[AtCoder]ABC164 F - I hate Matrix Construction000.000%
300860CF164A. Variable, or There and Back Again000.000%
300861CF164B. Ancient Berland Hieroglyphs000.000%
300862CF164C. Machine Programming000.000%
300863CF164D. Minimum Diameter000.000%
300864CF164E. Polycarpus and Tasks000.000%
301424CF268A. Games000.000%
301425CF268B. Buttons000.000%
301426CF268C. Beautiful Sets of Points000.000%
301427CF268D. Wall Bars000.000%
301428CF268E. Playlist000.000%
306210CF1164A. Three Friends (1 point)000.000%
306211CF1164B. Triangle Area (1 point)000.000%
306212CF1164C. 7-digit Number (1 point)000.000%
306213CF1164D. Multiple of 29 (1 point)000.000%
306214CF1164E. Least Possible Difference (1 point)000.000%
306215CF1164F. Regular Polygon (1 point)000.000%
306216CF1164G. Find Number (1 point)000.000%
306217CF1164H. Circle Radius (2 points)000.000%
306218CF1164I. Maximum Value (2 points)000.000%
306219CF1164J. Eleven Segments (2 points)000.000%
306220CF1164K. 2018 Integers (2 points)000.000%
306221CF1164L. Queens (2 points)000.000%
306222CF1164M. Seven Digit Number (2 points)000.000%
306223CF1164N. All Streets (2 points)000.000%
306224CF1164O. Greatest Prime Divisor (2 points)000.000%
306225CF1164P. Equilateral Triangles (2 points)000.000%
306226CF1164Q. Surjective Functions (3 points)000.000%
306227CF1164R. Divisible by 83 (3 points)000.000%
306228CF1164S. Find Distance (3 points)000.000%
306229CF1164T. Compute the Product (3 points)000.000%
306230CF1164U. The Greatest Possible Value (3 points)000.000%
309197CF1641A. Great Sequence000.000%
309198CF1641B. Repetitions Decoding000.000%
309199CF1641C. Anonymity Is Important000.000%
309200CF1641D. Two Arrays000.000%
309201CF1641E. Special Positions000.000%
309202CF1641F. Covering Circle000.000%
309203CF1642A. Hard Way000.000%
309204CF1642B. Power Walking000.000%
309205CF1642C. Great Sequence000.000%
309206CF1642D. Repetitions Decoding000.000%
309207CF1642E. Anonymity Is Important000.000%
309208CF1642F. Two Arrays000.000%
309209CF1644A. Doors and Keys000.000%
309210CF1644B. Anti-Fibonacci Permutation000.000%
309211CF1644C. Increase Subarray Sums000.000%
309212CF1644D. Cross Coloring000.000%
309213CF1644E. Expand the Path000.000%
309214CF1644F. Basis000.000%
309215CF1645A. Spy Detected!000.000%
309216CF1645B. Repeating Cipher000.000%
309217CF1645C. Teams Forming000.000%
309218CF1645D. Two Shuffled Sequences000.000%
309219CF1645E. Powers Of Two000.000%
309220CF1645F. Boxers000.000%
309221CF1645G. Median String000.000%
309222CF1645H. Two Merged Sequences000.000%
309223CF1646A. Square Counting000.000%
309224CF1646B. Quality vs Quantity000.000%
309225CF1646C. Factorials and Powers of Two000.000%
309226CF1646D. Weight the Tree000.000%
309227CF1646E. Power Board000.000%
309228CF1646F. Playing Around the Table000.000%
309229CF1647A. Madoka and Math Dad000.000%
309230CF1647B. Madoka and the Elegant Gift000.000%
309231CF1647C. Madoka and Childish Pranks000.000%
309232CF1647D. Madoka and the Best School in Russia000.000%
309233CF1647E. Madoka and the Sixth-graders000.000%
309234CF1647F. Madoka and Laziness000.000%
309235CF1648A. Weird Sum000.000%
309236CF1648B. Integral Array000.000%
309237CF1648C. Tyler and Strings000.000%
309238CF1648D. Serious Business000.000%
309239CF1648E. Air Reform000.000%
309240CF1648F. Two Avenues000.000%
309241CF1649A. Game000.000%
309242CF1649B. Game of Ball Passing000.000%
309243CF1649C. Weird Sum000.000%
309244CF1649D. Integral Array000.000%