Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
4490ABC214 A - New Generation ABC020.000%
4491ABC214 B - How many?000.000%
4492ABC214 C - Distribution000.000%
4493ABC214 D - Sum of Maximum Weights000.000%
102140[AtCoder]ABC214 A - New Generation ABC000.000%
102141[AtCoder]ABC214 B - How many?000.000%
102142[AtCoder]ABC214 C - Distribution000.000%
102143[AtCoder]ABC214 D - Sum of Maximum Weights000.000%
102144[AtCoder]ABC214 E - Packing Under Range Regulations000.000%
102145[AtCoder]ABC214 F - Substrings000.000%
102146[AtCoder]ABC214 G - Three Permutations000.000%
102147[AtCoder]ABC214 H - Collecting000.000%