Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
5840BZOJ1840:Zju1742 Gap
7840BZOJ3840:ZCC Loves COT
8840BZOJ4840:[Neerc2016]Binary Code
304392CF840A. Leha and Function000.000%
304393CF840B. Leha and another game about graph000.000%
304394CF840C. On the Bench000.000%
304395CF840D. Destiny000.000%
304396CF840E. In a Trap000.000%
309942CF1763A. Absolute Maximization000.000%
309943CF1763B. Incinerate000.000%
309944CF1763C. Another Array Problem000.000%
309945CF1763D. Valid Bitonic Permutations000.000%
309946CF1763E. Node Pairs000.000%
309947CF1763F. Edge Queries000.000%
405192GYM101840 A Assessments000.000%
405193GYM101840 B Breaking the Curse000.000%
405194GYM101840 C Cheering Parabolas000.000%
405195GYM101840 D Dream Team000.000%
405196GYM101840 E Evaluations000.000%
405197GYM101840 F Forgot the Flag!000.000%
405198GYM101840 G Glorious Stadium000.000%
405199GYM101840 H Half Nice Years000.000%
405200GYM101840 I Important matches000.000%
405201GYM101840 J Jacked Tickets000.000%
405202GYM101840 K Katryoshka000.000%
405203GYM101840 L Lazy ERCD000.000%