Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
406388GYM102394 E Exchanging Gifts000.000%
406389GYM102394 F Fixing Banners000.000%
406390GYM102394 G Game Store000.000%
406391GYM102394 H Highway Buses000.000%
406392GYM102394 I Interesting Permutation000.000%
406393GYM102394 J Justifying the Conjecture000.000%
406394GYM102394 K Keeping Rabbits000.000%
406395GYM102394 L LRU Algorithm000.000%
406396GYM102396 A King's Inspection000.000%
406397GYM102396 B Cash Gap000.000%
406398GYM102396 C Jet Trains000.000%
406400GYM102396 E Unique Solution000.000%
406402GYM102396 G Weight Overflow000.000%
406403GYM102396 H Checking Answers to Test000.000%
406404GYM102396 I Magic Trick000.000%
406405GYM102396 J Superpermutations000.000%
406471GYM102419 D Xor the graph000.000%
406475GYM102419 H In-degree000.000%
406491GYM102426 A 自然语言处理000.000%
406492GYM102426 B The Secret of Time000.000%
406493GYM102426 C LytchenLovesJSON000.000%
406494GYM102426 D 元素周期表000.000%
406495GYM102426 E 龙语魔法000.000%
406496GYM102426 F 浴缸000.000%
406497GYM102426 G 伙伴系统000.000%
406498GYM102426 H 白学串000.000%
406499GYM102426 I Integer Factorization000.000%
406500GYM102426 J 机房的圣诞礼物000.000%
406501GYM102426 K X-Window System000.000%
406502GYM102426 L Bonus quiz000.000%
406503GYM102426 M 长安街的华灯000.000%
406504GYM102428 A Algorithm Teaching000.000%
406505GYM102428 B Build the Perfect House000.000%
406506GYM102428 C Cut Inequality Down000.000%
406507GYM102428 D Dazzling stars000.000%
406508GYM102428 E Eggfruit Cake000.000%
406509GYM102428 F Fabricating Sculptures000.000%
406510GYM102428 G Gluing Pictures000.000%
406511GYM102428 H Hold or Continue?000.000%
406512GYM102428 I Improve SPAM000.000%
406513GYM102428 J Jumping Grasshoper000.000%
406514GYM102428 K Know your Aliens000.000%
406515GYM102428 L Leverage MDT000.000%
406516GYM102428 M Mountain Ranges000.000%
406517GYM102431 A Kick Start000.000%
406518GYM102431 B Infimum of Paths000.000%
406519GYM102431 C Mr. Panda and Typewriter000.000%
406520GYM102431 D Pulse Nova000.000%
406521GYM102431 E Non-Maximum Suppression000.000%
406522GYM102431 F Ferry000.000%
406523GYM102431 G Game on the Tree000.000%
406524GYM102431 H Mr. Panda and SAD000.000%
406525GYM102431 I Mr. Panda and Blocks000.000%
406527GYM102431 K Russian Dolls on the Christmas Tree000.000%
406528GYM102431 L Spiral Matrix000.000%
406547GYM102439 A Four minutes until BSUIR Open000.000%
406548GYM102439 B Varvara and matrix000.000%
406549GYM102439 C Cockroach Racing000.000%
406550GYM102439 D Light show000.000%
406551GYM102439 E Small business000.000%
406552GYM102439 F Prime or number000.000%
406553GYM102439 G Sequence exploration000.000%
406554GYM102439 H Nonfibonacci numbers000.000%
406555GYM102439 I Equal Mod Segments000.000%
406556GYM102439 J Boedium000.000%
406557GYM102439 K Innovations000.000%
406558GYM102439 L The only winner000.000%
406559GYM102441 A Template for Search000.000%
406560GYM102441 B Redistribution of Digits000.000%
406561GYM102441 C Partial Sums000.000%
406562GYM102441 D Lis on Circle000.000%
406563GYM102441 E Very Simple Sum000.000%
406564GYM102441 F Random XOR000.000%
406565GYM102441 G Sum of Distances in Cactus000.000%
406566GYM102441 H Not A + B000.000%
406567GYM102441 I Cutting000.000%
406568GYM102441 J Paternity Testing000.000%
406569GYM102441 K Chess Positions000.000%
406570GYM102443 A Attractive Flowers000.000%
406571GYM102443 B Blocking the View000.000%
406572GYM102443 C Fermat's Last Theorem000.000%
406574GYM102443 E Hide-and-Seek for Robots000.000%
406575GYM102443 F Isosceles triangles000.000%
406577GYM102443 H Planet Nine000.000%
406578GYM102443 I Dates000.000%
406580GYM102443 K RotationAlmostSort000.000%
406588GYM102448 G Gorggeous Peter's Great Friend000.000%
406625GYM102465 A City of Lights000.000%
406626GYM102465 B Blurred Pictures000.000%
406627GYM102465 C Crosswords000.000%
406628GYM102465 D Monument Tour000.000%
406629GYM102465 E Rounding000.000%
406630GYM102465 F Paris by Night000.000%
406631GYM102465 G Strings000.000%
406632GYM102465 H Travel Guide000.000%
406633GYM102465 I Mason's Mark000.000%
406634GYM102465 J Mona Lisa000.000%
406635GYM102465 K Dishonest Driver000.000%
406636GYM102470 A Trick or Treat000.000%
406637GYM102470 B Working at the Restaurant000.000%