Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
307016CF1287B. Hyperset000.000%
307018CF1287D. Numbers on Tree000.000%
307019CF1287E1. Madhouse (Easy version)000.000%
307020CF1287E2. Madhouse (Hard version)000.000%
307022CF1288A. Deadline000.000%
307023CF1288B. Yet Another Meme Problem000.000%
307024CF1288C. Two Arrays000.000%
307025CF1288D. Minimax Problem000.000%
307026CF1288E. Messenger Simulator000.000%
307027CF1288F. Red-Blue Graph000.000%
307028CF1290A. Mind Control000.000%
307031CF1290D. Coffee Varieties (hard version)000.000%
307035CF1291B. Array Sharpening000.000%
307036CF1291C. Mind Control000.000%
307039CF1291F. Coffee Varieties (easy version)000.000%
307040CF1292A. NEKO's Maze Game000.000%
307041CF1292B. Aroma's Search000.000%
307042CF1292C. Xenon's Attack on the Gangs000.000%
307046CF1293A. ConneR and the A.R.C. Markland-N000.000%
307047CF1293B. JOE is on TV!000.000%
307048CF1293C. NEKO's Maze Game000.000%
307049CF1293D. Aroma's Search000.000%
307050CF1293E. Xenon's Attack on the Gangs000.000%
307053CF1294B. Collecting Packages000.000%
307055CF1294D. MEX maximizing000.000%
307056CF1294E. Obtain a Permutation000.000%
307057CF1294F. Three Paths on a Tree020.000%
307058CF1295A. Display The Number000.000%
307059CF1295B. Infinite Prefixes000.000%
307060CF1295C. Obtain The String000.000%
307061CF1295D. Same GCDs000.000%
307062CF1295E. Permutation Separation000.000%
307063CF1295F. Good Contest000.000%
307066CF1296C. Yet Another Walking Robot000.000%
307067CF1296D. Fight with Monsters000.000%
307068CF1296E1. String Coloring (easy version)000.000%
307069CF1296E2. String Coloring (hard version)000.000%
307071CF1297A. Likes Display000.000%
307072CF1297B. Cartoons000.000%
307074CF1297D. Bonus Distribution 000.000%
307075CF1297E. Modernization of Treeland000.000%
307076CF1297F. Movie Fan000.000%
307081CF1298B. Remove Duplicates000.000%
307084CF1298E. Mentors000.000%
307085CF1298F1. Median on Segments (Permutations Edition)000.000%
307086CF1298F2. Median on Segments (General Case Edition)000.000%
307087CF1299A. Anu Has a Function000.000%
307092CF1300A. Non-zero000.000%
307093CF1300B. Assigning to Classes000.000%
307094CF1300C. Anu Has a Function000.000%
307097CF1301A. Three Strings000.000%
307099CF1301C. Ayoub's function000.000%
307100CF1301D. Time to Run000.000%
307101CF1301E. Nanosoft000.000%
307102CF1301F. Super Jaber000.000%
307103CF1302A. Nash equilibrium000.000%
307104CF1302B. DAG000.000%
307105CF1302C. Segment tree or Fenwick?000.000%
307106CF1302D. Dijkstra000.000%
307107CF1302E. Amazing bitset000.000%
307108CF1302F. Keep talking and nobody explodes – easy000.000%
307109CF1302G. Keep talking and nobody explodes – medium000.000%
307110CF1302H. Who needs suffix structures?000.000%
307111CF1302I. Deja vu000.000%
307112CF1302J. Keep talking and nobody explodes – hard000.000%
307113CF1303A. Erasing Zeroes000.000%
307114CF1303B. National Project000.000%
307115CF1303C. Perfect Keyboard000.000%
307116CF1303D. Fill The Bag000.000%
307117CF1303E. Erase Subsequences000.000%
307118CF1303F. Number of Components000.000%
307119CF1303G. Sum of Prefix Sums000.000%
307121CF1304B. Longest Palindrome000.000%
307122CF1304C. Air Conditioner000.000%
307123CF1304D. Shortest and Longest LIS000.000%
307125CF1304F1. Animal Observation (easy version)000.000%
307126CF1304F2. Animal Observation (hard version)000.000%
307127CF1305A. Kuroni and the Gifts000.000%
307128CF1305B. Kuroni and Simple Strings000.000%
307129CF1305C. Kuroni and Impossible Calculation000.000%
307130CF1305D. Kuroni and the Celebration000.000%
307131CF1305E. Kuroni and the Score Distribution000.000%
307132CF1305F. Kuroni and the Punishment000.000%
307133CF1305G. Kuroni and Antihype000.000%
307134CF1305H. Kuroni the Private Tutor000.000%
307135CF1307A. Cow and Haybales000.000%
307139CF1307E. Cow and Treats000.000%
307140CF1307F. Cow and Vacation000.000%
307150CF1310A. Recommendations000.000%
307151CF1310B. Double Elimination000.000%
307152CF1310C. Au Pont Rouge000.000%
307153CF1310D. Tourism000.000%
307154CF1310E. Strange Function000.000%
307155CF1310F. Bad Cryptography000.000%
307156CF1311A. Add Odd or Subtract Even000.000%
307160CF1311E. Construct the Binary Tree000.000%
307161CF1311F. Moving Points000.000%
307162CF1312A. Two Regular Polygons000.000%
307163CF1312B. Bogosort000.000%
307164CF1312C. Adding Powers000.000%