Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
308461CF1523H. Hopping Around the Array 000.000%
308655CF1553A. Digits Sum000.000%
308656CF1553B. Reverse String000.000%
308657CF1553C. Penalty000.000%
308658CF1553D. Backspace000.000%
308659CF1553E. Permutation Shift000.000%
308660CF1553F. Pairwise Modulo000.000%
308661CF1553G. Common Divisor Graph000.000%
308662CF1553H. XOR and Distance000.000%
308663CF1553I. Stairs000.000%
308675CF1556A. A Variety of Operations000.000%
308676CF1556B. Take Your Places!000.000%
308677CF1556C. Compressed Bracket Sequence000.000%
308678CF1556D. Take a Guess000.000%
308679CF1556E. Equilibrium000.000%
308680CF1556F. Sports Betting000.000%
308681CF1556G. Gates to Another World000.000%
308682CF1556H. DIY Tree000.000%
308989CF1609A. Divide and Multiply000.000%
308990CF1609B. William the Vigilant000.000%
308991CF1609C. Complex Market Analysis000.000%
308992CF1609D. Social Network000.000%
308993CF1609E. William The Oblivious 000.000%
308994CF1609F. Interesting Sections000.000%
308995CF1609G. A Stroll Around the Matrix000.000%
308996CF1609H. Pushing Robots000.000%
309235CF1648A. Weird Sum000.000%
309236CF1648B. Integral Array000.000%
309237CF1648C. Tyler and Strings000.000%
309238CF1648D. Serious Business000.000%
309239CF1648E. Air Reform000.000%
309240CF1648F. Two Avenues000.000%
309241CF1649A. Game000.000%
309242CF1649B. Game of Ball Passing000.000%
309243CF1649C. Weird Sum000.000%
309244CF1649D. Integral Array000.000%
309245CF1649E. Tyler and Strings000.000%
309246CF1649F. Serious Business000.000%
400109GYM100065 A Palindromes000.000%
400110GYM100065 B Sequence000.000%
400111GYM100065 C Cryptanalysis000.000%
400112GYM100065 D Suggester000.000%
400113GYM100065 E Player000.000%
400114GYM100065 F Fort Boyard000.000%
400115GYM100066 A Construction000.000%
400116GYM100066 B Sequence-2000.000%
400117GYM100066 C Banana000.000%
400118GYM100066 D Cottage demolition000.000%
400119GYM100066 E Tron000.000%
400120GYM100066 F Problems000.000%
400121GYM100066 G Totient function000.000%
400122GYM100066 H Fibonacci000.000%
400450GYM100186 B Time to read000.000%
400451GYM100186 C The road000.000%
400452GYM100186 D Test problem000.000%
400453GYM100186 E Experts000.000%
400454GYM100186 F Pair Programming000.000%
400459GYM100186 K Quality assurance000.000%
400483GYM100191 A Andrew the Ant000.000%
400484GYM100191 B Software Bugs000.000%
400485GYM100191 C Charlie the Cockchafer000.000%
400486GYM100191 D Gregory the Grasshopper000.000%
400487GYM100191 E Lisa the Ladybug000.000%
400488GYM100191 F Mosquito Multiplication000.000%
400489GYM100191 G Rhinoceros Beetle000.000%
400490GYM100191 H Simon the Spider000.000%
400901GYM100279 A Cinderella at the pigeon-loft000.000%
400902GYM100279 B Sequence000.000%
400903GYM100279 C Maze000.000%
400904GYM100279 D Triangular table000.000%
400905GYM100279 E PublicBank000.000%
400906GYM100279 F Airport000.000%
400960GYM100297 A Game000.000%
400961GYM100297 B Fraction000.000%
400962GYM100297 C Triwizard Tournament000.000%
400963GYM100297 D Trough000.000%
400964GYM100297 E Nu, pogodi! (Well, Just You Wait)000.000%
400965GYM100297 F Divisors000.000%
400966GYM100297 G Socks000.000%
400967GYM100297 H Splitting of the telephone number000.000%
401361GYM100418 A A+-B000.000%
401362GYM100418 B Sum of sequences000.000%
401363GYM100418 C Substrings000.000%
401364GYM100418 D BOPC000.000%
401365GYM100418 E Hamilton traversal 2000.000%
401366GYM100418 F Sexless marriage agency000.000%
401367GYM100418 G String generator 2000.000%
401368GYM100418 H Equalize000.000%
401369GYM100418 I Pair of paths000.000%
401370GYM100418 J Lucky tickets000.000%
401371GYM100418 K Cards000.000%
401372GYM100425 A Luggage Distribution000.000%
401373GYM100425 B Passport Control000.000%
401374GYM100425 C Tropical Stonehenge000.000%
401375GYM100425 D Toll Road000.000%
401376GYM100425 E The Street Escalator000.000%
401377GYM100425 F Mexico000.000%
401378GYM100425 G Free Wi-Fi000.000%
401379GYM100425 H Football Bets000.000%
401380GYM100425 I Road to Dragobat000.000%