Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
402963GYM100958 H Distance Sum000.000%
402964GYM100958 I Substring Pairs000.000%
402965GYM100958 J Hyperrectangle000.000%
402966GYM100959 A 2016000.000%
402967GYM100959 B Airports000.000%
402968GYM100959 C Jump000.000%
402969GYM100959 D Merge000.000%
402970GYM100959 E Mirror Rice Cake000.000%
402971GYM100959 F Number Cards000.000%
402972GYM100959 G Paint000.000%
402973GYM100959 H Random Walk000.000%
402974GYM100959 I Robots000.000%
402975GYM100959 J Ropes000.000%
402976GYM100959 K Stains000.000%
402977GYM100959 L String Modification000.000%
402978GYM100959 M Team Competition000.000%
402979GYM100960 A Prevent a Galactic War!000.000%
402980GYM100960 B Forcefield000.000%
402981GYM100960 C Missing Part
402982GYM100960 D Handling a Spaceship000.000%
402983GYM100960 E Cryptographic Argument000.000%
402984GYM100960 F The Jedi Killer
402985GYM100960 G Youngling Tournament000.000%
402986GYM100960 H Garland Checking000.000%
402987GYM100960 I Equipment Assembling000.000%
402988GYM100962 A ABBA000.000%
402989GYM100962 B Black Sabbath000.000%
402990GYM100962 C Mr. Credo000.000%
402991GYM100962 D Deep Purple000.000%
402992GYM100962 E Elvis Presley000.000%
402993GYM100962 F Frank Sinatra000.000%
402994GYM100962 G Green Day000.000%
402995GYM100962 H Hans Zimmer000.000%
402996GYM100962 I Ivan Dorn000.000%
402997GYM100962 J Jimi Hendrix000.000%
402998GYM100962 K Korn000.000%
402999GYM100963 A Reading Brackets in English000.000%
403000GYM100963 B Greedy, Greedy000.000%
403001GYM100963 C First Experience000.000%
403002GYM100963 D Poke Poker Pokest000.000%
403003GYM100963 E Philosopher's Stone000.000%
403004GYM100963 F Flame of Nucleus000.000%
403005GYM100963 G Exact Arithmetic000.000%
403006GYM100963 H Slippy Floors000.000%
403007GYM100963 I Minimum Bounding Rectangle000.000%
403008GYM100963 J Once Upon A Time000.000%
403009GYM100965 A Alpinism000.000%
403010GYM100965 B Cards000.000%
403011GYM100965 C System000.000%
403012GYM100965 D Invisible points000.000%
403013GYM100965 E Balance000.000%
403014GYM100965 F Polynomial000.000%
403015GYM100965 G Greetings, Belarus000.000%
403016GYM100965 H Simple problem000.000%
403017GYM100965 I Prime000.000%
403018GYM100965 J Squares000.000%
403019GYM100965 K Language000.000%
403020GYM100971 A Treasure Island000.000%
403021GYM100971 B Derangement000.000%
403022GYM100971 C Triangles000.000%
403023GYM100971 D Laying Cables000.000%
403024GYM100971 E Bisection000.000%
403025GYM100971 F Two Points000.000%
403026GYM100971 G Repair000.000%
403027GYM100971 H Pavel's Party000.000%
403028GYM100971 I Deadline000.000%
403029GYM100971 J Robots at Warehouse000.000%
403030GYM100971 K Palindromization000.000%
403031GYM100971 L Chess Match000.000%
403032GYM100971 M Decomposition into Good Strings000.000%
403033GYM100975 A Black-White Numbers000.000%
403034GYM100975 B Divide et Impere000.000%
403035GYM100975 C Creativity000.000%
403036GYM100975 D Strange Things000.000%
403037GYM100975 E A+B=C000.000%
403038GYM100975 F Simple Calculations000.000%
403039GYM100975 G The Game (Building a Palindrome)000.000%
403040GYM100975 H Sieve Coding000.000%
403041GYM100975 I Ellipse and the Line000.000%
403042GYM100975 J Sea Battle000.000%
403043GYM100981 A Программист 80-го уровня000.000%
403044GYM100981 B Замена букв000.000%
403045GYM100981 C Призовой фонд000.000%
403046GYM100981 D Цветы000.000%
403047GYM100981 E Берляндская хоккейная лига000.000%
403048GYM100981 F Карлсон000.000%
403049GYM100981 G Камень-ножницы-бумага000.000%
403050GYM100985 A MaratonIME helps Pablito000.000%
403051GYM100985 B MaratonIME plays Cîrokime000.000%
403052GYM100985 C MaratonIME plays Nim000.000%
403053GYM100985 D MaratonIME plays Chess000.000%
403054GYM100985 E MaratonIME rides the university bus000.000%
403055GYM100985 F MaratonIME attends the lecture (or not)000.000%
403056GYM100985 G MaratonIME goes rowing000.000%
403057GYM100985 H MaratonIME goes to the movies000.000%
403058GYM100985 I MaratonIME goes to a japanese restaurant000.000%
403059GYM100985 J MaratonIME goes to the japanese restaurant (again)000.000%
403060GYM100985 K MaratonIME goes to the karaoke000.000%
403061GYM100985 L MaratonIME goes karting000.000%
403062GYM100985 M MaratonIME returns home000.000%