Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
309195CF1639J. Treasure Hunt000.000%
309196CF1639K. Treasure Hunt000.000%
311190CF1948A. Special Characters000.000%
311191CF1948B. Array Fix000.000%
311192CF1948C. Arrow Path000.000%
311193CF1948D. Tandem Repeats?000.000%
311194CF1948E. Clique Partition000.000%
311195CF1948F. Rare Coins000.000%
311196CF1948G. MST with Matching000.000%
404775GYM101630 A Archery Tournament000.000%
404776GYM101630 B Box000.000%
404777GYM101630 C Connections000.000%
404778GYM101630 D Designing the Toy000.000%
404779GYM101630 E Easy Quest000.000%
404780GYM101630 F The Final Level000.000%
404781GYM101630 G The Great Wall000.000%
404782GYM101630 H Hack000.000%
404783GYM101630 I Interactive Sort000.000%
404784GYM101630 J Journey from Petersburg to Moscow000.000%
404785GYM101630 K Knapsack Cryptosystem000.000%
404786GYM101630 L Laminar Family000.000%
404787GYM101635 A Cakey McCakeFace000.000%
404788GYM101635 B Table000.000%
404789GYM101635 C Macarons000.000%
404790GYM101635 D Candy Chain000.000%
404791GYM101635 E Ingredients000.000%
404792GYM101635 F Shattered Cake000.000%
404793GYM101635 G Cordon Bleu000.000%
404794GYM101635 H Kabobs000.000%
404795GYM101635 I Burglary000.000%
404796GYM101635 J Frosting on the Cake000.000%
404797GYM101635 K Blowing Candles000.000%
405926GYM102163 A Hasan the lazy judge000.000%
405927GYM102163 B Let me sleep000.000%
405928GYM102163 C Hasan and his lazy students000.000%
405929GYM102163 D Football Cup000.000%
405930GYM102163 E Adnan and the Burned drivers000.000%
405931GYM102163 F Research projects000.000%
405932GYM102163 G Ali and the Breakfast000.000%
405933GYM102163 H Mr. Hamra and his quantum particles000.000%
405934GYM102163 J Bashar and daylight saving time000.000%
405935GYM102163 K Masaoud LOVES PIZZAS000.000%
405936GYM102163 L Chemistry Exam000.000%
405937GYM102163 M NCD Salary000.000%
407192GYM102697 163 FizzBuzz000.000%