Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
302874CF557B. Pasha and Tea000.000%
302875CF557C. Arthur and Table000.000%
302876CF557D. Vitaly and Cycle000.000%
302877CF557E. Ann and Half-Palindrome000.000%
302878CF558A. Lala Land and Apple Trees000.000%
302879CF558B. Amr and The Large Array000.000%
302880CF558C. Amr and Chemistry000.000%
302885CF559C. Gerald and Giant Chess000.000%
302886CF559D. Randomizer000.000%
302887CF559E. Gerald and Path000.000%
302892CF560E. Gerald and Giant Chess000.000%
302897CF562E. Max and Min000.000%
302906CF566G. Max and Min000.000%
302907CF567A. Lineland Mail000.000%
302908CF567B. Berland National Library000.000%
302911CF567E. President and Roads000.000%
302914CF568B. Symmetric and Transitive000.000%
302921CF569D. Symmetric and Transitive000.000%
302927CF570E. Pig and Palindromes000.000%
302938CF573A. Bear and Poker000.000%
302939CF573B. Bear and Blocks000.000%
302940CF573C. Bear and Drawing000.000%
302941CF573D. Bear and Cavalry000.000%
302942CF573E. Bear and Bowling000.000%
302943CF574A. Bear and Elections000.000%
302944CF574B. Bear and Three Musketeers000.000%
302945CF574C. Bear and Poker000.000%
302946CF574D. Bear and Blocks000.000%
302947CF574E. Bear and Drawing000.000%
302957CF576A. Vasya and Petya's Game000.000%
302964CF577C. Vasya and Petya's Game000.000%
302969CF578C. Weakness and Poorness000.000%
302977CF579E. Weakness and Poorness000.000%
302979CF580A. Kefa and First Steps000.000%
302980CF580B. Kefa and Company000.000%
302981CF580C. Kefa and Park000.000%
302982CF580D. Kefa and Dishes000.000%
302983CF580E. Kefa and Watch000.000%
302988CF581E. Kojiro and Furrari000.000%
302989CF581F. Zublicanes and Mumocrates000.000%
303000CF584A. Olesya and Rodion000.000%
303001CF584B. Kolya and Tanya 000.000%
303002CF584C. Marina and Vasya000.000%
303003CF584D. Dima and Lisa000.000%
303004CF584E. Anton and Ira000.000%
303006CF585B. Phillip and Trains000.000%
303007CF585C. Alice, Bob, Oranges and Apples000.000%
303012CF586B. Laurenty and Shop000.000%
303014CF586D. Phillip and Trains000.000%
303015CF586E. Alice, Bob, Oranges and Apples000.000%
303017CF587A. Duff and Weight Lifting000.000%
303023CF588A. Duff and Meat000.000%
303025CF588C. Duff and Weight Lifting000.000%
303035CF591B. Rebranding000.000%
303040CF592B. The Monster and the Squirrel000.000%
303045CF593B. Anton and Lines000.000%
303048CF593E. Strange Calculation and Cats000.000%
303049CF594A. Warrior and Archer000.000%
303050CF594B. Max and Bike000.000%
303051CF594C. Edo and Magnets000.000%
303054CF595A. Vitaly and Night000.000%
303055CF595B. Pasha and Phone000.000%
303056CF595C. Warrior and Archer000.000%
303057CF595D. Max and Bike000.000%
303058CF595E. Edo and Magnets000.000%
303059CF596A. Wilbur and Swimming Pool000.000%
303060CF596B. Wilbur and Array000.000%
303061CF596C. Wilbur and Points000.000%
303062CF596D. Wilbur and Trees000.000%
303063CF596E. Wilbur and Strings000.000%
303073CF599A. Patrick and Shopping000.000%
303074CF599B. Spongebob and Joke000.000%
303076CF599D. Spongebob and Squares000.000%
303077CF599E. Sandy and Nuts000.000%
303086CF601C. Kleofáš and the n-thlon000.000%
303093CF602E. Kleofáš and the n-thlon000.000%
303127CF609D. Gadgets for dollars and pounds000.000%
303129CF609F. Frogs and mosquitoes000.000%
303130CF610A. Pasha and Stick000.000%
303131CF610B. Vika and Squares000.000%
303133CF610D. Vika and Segments000.000%
303135CF611A. New Year and Days000.000%
303136CF611B. New Year and Old Property000.000%
303137CF611C. New Year and Domino000.000%
303138CF611D. New Year and Ancient Prophecy000.000%
303139CF611E. New Year and Three Musketeers000.000%
303140CF611F. New Year and Cleaning000.000%
303141CF611G. New Year and Cake000.000%
303142CF611H. New Year and Forgotten Tree000.000%
303149CF613A. Peter and Snow Blower000.000%
303152CF613D. Kingdom and its Cities000.000%
303156CF614C. Peter and Snow Blower000.000%
303174CF617E. XOR and Favorite Number000.000%
303183CF620B. Grandfather Dovlet’s calculator000.000%
303185CF620D. Professor GukiZ and Two Arrays000.000%
303188CF621A. Wet Shark and Odd and Even000.000%
303189CF621B. Wet Shark and Bishops000.000%
303190CF621C. Wet Shark and Flowers000.000%
303191CF621D. Rat Kwesh and Cheese000.000%
303192CF621E. Wet Shark and Blocks000.000%