Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
403242GYM101090 A HHPaint000.000%
403243GYM101090 B Square Root000.000%
403244GYM101090 C Interesting Places000.000%
403245GYM101090 D Road to Home000.000%
403246GYM101090 E Ant and apples000.000%
403247GYM101090 F Square000.000%
403248GYM101090 G Pair000.000%
403249GYM101090 H The Fence000.000%
403250GYM101090 I Painting the natural numbers000.000%
403251GYM101090 J Selection000.000%
403252GYM101090 K Parquet000.000%
403253GYM101090 L Closing the Loop000.000%