Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
303709CF717B. R3D3’s Summer Adventure000.000%
400889GYM100274 A Faculty Dividing Powers000.000%
400890GYM100274 B Genetic Fraud000.000%
400891GYM100274 C Indiana Jones and the lost Soccer Cup000.000%
400892GYM100274 D Magic Star000.000%
400893GYM100274 E Magical Crafting000.000%
400894GYM100274 F My brother's diary000.000%
400895GYM100274 G Security Zone000.000%
400896GYM100274 H Sightseeing000.000%
400897GYM100274 I Suiting Weavers000.000%
400898GYM100274 J Time to live000.000%
400899GYM100274 K Football Team000.000%
400900GYM100274 L Interesting Ranges000.000%