Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
407520GYM102822 A A Colorful Grid000.000%
407521GYM102822 B Building Blocks000.000%
407522GYM102822 C Code a Trie000.000%
407523GYM102822 D Defuse the Bombs000.000%
407524GYM102822 E Escape from the Island000.000%
407525GYM102822 F Fracture Ray000.000%
407526GYM102822 G Game of Cards000.000%
407527GYM102822 H Hide and Seek000.000%
407528GYM102822 I Invaluable Assets000.000%
407529GYM102822 J Joy of Handcraft000.000%
407530GYM102822 K Knowledge is Power000.000%
407531GYM102822 L Lottery000.000%
410605GYM104065 A Ban or Pick, What's the Trick000.000%
410607GYM104065 C Catch You Catch Me000.000%
410608GYM104065 D Gambler's Ruin000.000%
410609GYM104065 E Hammer to Fall000.000%
410611GYM104065 G Let Them Eat Cake000.000%
410613GYM104065 I Mental Abuse To Humans 000.000%
410614GYM104065 J Middle Race000.000%
410616GYM104065 L Por Una Cabeza000.000%
410617GYM104065 M Rock-Paper-Scissors Pyramid000.000%