Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
8951BZOJ 4951
304994CF951A. Plasticine zebra000.000%
304995CF951B. Colored Cubes000.000%
304996CF951C. Down or Right000.000%
304997CF951D. Mobile Phone Network000.000%
304998CF951E. Disjoint Triangles000.000%
304999CF951F. Company Acquisitions000.000%
305000CF951G. Pisces000.000%
311215CF1951A. Dual Trigger000.000%
311216CF1951B. Battle Cows000.000%
311217CF1951C. Ticket Hoarding000.000%
311218CF1951D. Buying Jewels000.000%
311219CF1951E. No Palindromes000.000%
311220CF1951F. Inversion Composition000.000%
311221CF1951G. Clacking Balls000.000%
311222CF1951H. Thanos Snap000.000%
311223CF1951I. Growing Trees000.000%
311384CF1979A. Guess the Maximum000.000%
311385CF1979B. XOR Sequences000.000%
311386CF1979C. Earning on Bets000.000%
311387CF1979D. Fixing a Binary String000.000%
311388CF1979E. Manhattan Triangle000.000%
311389CF1979F. Kostyanych's Theorem000.000%
405398GYM101951 A Ethan Finds the Shortest Path000.000%
405399GYM101951 B Jack's Candy Shop000.000%
405400GYM101951 C Replay Value000.000%
405401GYM101951 D Fossil Fuels000.000%
407959GYM102951 A Maximum Distance000.000%
407960GYM102951 B Studying Algorithms000.000%
407961GYM102951 C LCS on Permutations000.000%
407962GYM102951 D Static Range Queries000.000%
407963GYM102951 E KRUZNICE000.000%