Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
304060CF780A. Andryusha and Socks000.000%
304061CF780B. The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed000.000%
304062CF780C. Andryusha and Colored Balloons000.000%
304063CF780D. Innokenty and a Football League000.000%
304064CF780E. Underground Lab000.000%
304065CF780F. Axel and Marston in Bitland000.000%
304066CF780G. Andryusha and Nervous Barriers000.000%
304067CF780H. Intranet of Buses000.000%
304957CF944A. World Cup000.000%
304958CF944B. Laboratory Work000.000%
304959CF944C. Peculiar apple-tree000.000%
304960CF944D. Game with String000.000%
304961CF944E. Teodor is not a liar!000.000%
304962CF944F. Game with Tokens000.000%
304963CF944G. Coins Exhibition000.000%