Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
308624CF1548E. Gregor and the Two Painters000.000%
308625CF1549A. Gregor and Cryptography000.000%
308626CF1549B. Gregor and the Pawn Game000.000%
308627CF1549C. Web of Lies000.000%
308628CF1549D. Integers Have Friends000.000%
308629CF1549E. The Three Little Pigs000.000%
308630CF1549F1. Gregor and the Odd Cows (Easy)000.000%
308631CF1549F2. Gregor and the Odd Cows (Hard)000.000%
310619CF1861A. Prime Deletion000.000%
310620CF1861B. Two Binary Strings000.000%
310621CF1861C. Queries for the Array000.000%
310622CF1861D. Sorting By Multiplication000.000%
310623CF1861E. Non-Intersecting Subpermutations000.000%
310624CF1861F. Four Suits000.000%
404532GYM101549 A Binary Matrix 2000.000%
404533GYM101549 B Probability Through Experiments000.000%
404534GYM101549 C Optimal Space Way000.000%
404535GYM101549 D Radiation000.000%
404536GYM101549 E Version Controlled IDE000.000%
404537GYM101549 F Ultimate Device000.000%
404538GYM101549 G Warp Speed II000.000%
404539GYM101549 H Birthdates000.000%
404540GYM101549 I Prime Substring000.000%
404541GYM101549 J Longest Word000.000%
405895GYM102154 A Addition without carry000.000%
405896GYM102154 B Decryption000.000%
405897GYM102154 C Quick sort000.000%
405898GYM102154 D Robomarathon000.000%
407183GYM102697 154 BCD Conversion000.000%