402179: GYM100687 E Proficiency Test (A)

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E. Proficiency Test (A)time limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test64 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard output

A Proficiency test was held at PSUT to measure your skills and knowledge before graduation. The test consisted of 48 multiple-choice questions with 4 choices (A, B, C or D).

Since the results of this test do not affect the students directly, it was expected that some students would answer randomly without reading the questions. These students affect the results of the university negatively.

To detect and remove these students before the evaluation process, Dr. Arafat suggested to make one of each 8 consecutive questions a very simple question (there will be 6 simple questions out of the 48 questions). Simple questions are so simple that even a 10-years-old child can answer them. If a student answers at least 3 of the 6 questions incorrectly, his results will be removed from the evaluation process.

Your task is to write a program that reads the correct 48 answers and the answers of one student and then decides whether the results of the student should be removed or not.


The first line of the input contains a string of 48 letters. The first letter is the answer for the first question, the second one is the answer for the second question, and so on.

A lowercase letter indicates that the question is one of the 6 simple questions. It is guaranteed that exactly one of each 8 consecutive letters is a lowercase letter.

The second line contains a string of 48 uppercase letters, representing the answers of the student.


Print “Remove” if the results of this student must be removed according to the problem statement, otherwise print “Kafo”.


