402177: GYM100687 C Forming Teams (A)

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C. Forming Teams (A)time limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test64 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard output

While registering for this contest, you were asked to choose one of the following options:

• I don’t mind participating individually or in a team (up to three members).

• I want to participate individually.

Mr. Ahmad Awwad and his team prepared X PCs for individual teams, Y PCs for teams with two members and Z PCs for teams with three members. These PCs differ only in the space around the PCs, so individual participants can be assigned into any of the X, Y and Z PCs, and teams of two can be assigned into any of the Y and Z PCs. Teams of three can be assigned to the Z PCs only.

By the end of the registration, N students chose to participate either individually or as a team (2 or 3 members) and M students chose to participate individually. Mr. Ahmad wants to know if it is possible to form the teams such that everyone can participate satisfying the option he has chosen.


The input contains 5 space-separated integers: N M X Y Z, as described in the problem statement.

All integers are between 0 and 100 (inclusive).


Print “Yes” if it is possible to form the teams in a way that will satisfy everyone, otherwise print “No”.

7 1 3 4 0
9 6 2 3 2


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