306054: CF1139C. Edgy Trees

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Edgy Trees


给定一棵包含 $n$ 个顶点的无根树,每条边的颜色为红或黑。 我们将满足下列条件的序列称为“好序列”:包含 $k$ 个顶点,在从 $a_1$ 走到 $a_k$ 的过程中走过了至少一条黑边。其中从 $a_1$ 到 $a_2$ 走的是它们之间的最短路径,从 $a_2$ 到 $a_3$ 走的也是它们之间的最短路径,以此类推。你可以多次经过一个点。 给定 $n,k$ 和 $n-1$ 行 $u,v,w$ 表明一条边的两个顶点以及它的颜色($0$ 表示红,$1$ 表示黑)。 输出好序列的个数,答案对 $10^9+7$ 取模。


You are given a tree (a connected undirected graph without cycles) of $ n $ vertices. Each of the $ n - 1 $ edges of the tree is colored in either black or red. You are also given an integer $ k $ . Consider sequences of $ k $ vertices. Let's call a sequence $ [a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_k] $ good if it satisfies the following criterion: - We will walk a path (possibly visiting same edge/vertex multiple times) on the tree, starting from $ a_1 $ and ending at $ a_k $ . - Start at $ a_1 $ , then go to $ a_2 $ using the shortest path between $ a_1 $ and $ a_2 $ , then go to $ a_3 $ in a similar way, and so on, until you travel the shortest path between $ a_{k-1} $ and $ a_k $ . - If you walked over at least one black edge during this process, then the sequence is good. ![](https://cdn.luogu.com.cn/upload/vjudge_pic/CF1139C/fceedad9154dba8252692b9078d5d0099b72c637.png)Consider the tree on the picture. If $ k=3 $ then the following sequences are good: $ [1, 4, 7] $ , $ [5, 5, 3] $ and $ [2, 3, 7] $ . The following sequences are not good: $ [1, 4, 6] $ , $ [5, 5, 5] $ , $ [3, 7, 3] $ . There are $ n^k $ sequences of vertices, count how many of them are good. Since this number can be quite large, print it modulo $ 10^9+7 $ .



The first line contains two integers $ n $ and $ k $ ( $ 2 \le n \le 10^5 $ , $ 2 \le k \le 100 $ ), the size of the tree and the length of the vertex sequence. Each of the next $ n - 1 $ lines contains three integers $ u_i $ , $ v_i $ and $ x_i $ ( $ 1 \le u_i, v_i \le n $ , $ x_i \in \{0, 1\} $ ), where $ u_i $ and $ v_i $ denote the endpoints of the corresponding edge and $ x_i $ is the color of this edge ( $ 0 $ denotes red edge and $ 1 $ denotes black edge).


Print the number of good sequences modulo $ 10^9 + 7 $ .


输入样例 #1

4 4
1 2 1
2 3 1
3 4 1

输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2

4 6
1 2 0
1 3 0
1 4 0

输出样例 #2


输入样例 #3

3 5
1 2 1
2 3 0

输出样例 #3



In the first example, all sequences ( $ 4^4 $ ) of length $ 4 $ except the following are good: - $ [1, 1, 1, 1] $ - $ [2, 2, 2, 2] $ - $ [3, 3, 3, 3] $ - $ [4, 4, 4, 4] $ In the second example, all edges are red, hence there aren't any good sequences.



给定一棵包含 $n$ 个顶点的无根树,每条边的颜色为红或黑。 我们将满足下列条件的序列称为“好序列”:包含 $k$ 个顶点,在从 $a_1$ 走到 $a_k$ 的过程中走过了至少一条黑边。其中从 $a_1$ 到 $a_2$ 走的是它们之间的最短路径,从 $a_2$ 到 $a_3$ 走的也是它们之间的最短路径,以此类推。你可以多次经过一个点。 给定 $n,k$ 和 $n-1$ 行 $u,v,w$ 表明一条边的两个顶点以及它的颜色($0$ 表示红,$1$ 表示黑)。 输出好序列的个数,答案对 $10^9+7$ 取模。

