100561: [AtCoder]ABC056 B - NarrowRectanglesEasy

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Score : $200$ points

Problem Statement

AtCoDeer the deer found two rectangles lying on the table, each with height $1$ and width $W$. If we consider the surface of the desk as a two-dimensional plane, the first rectangle covers the vertical range of $[0,1]$ and the horizontal range of $[a,a+W]$, and the second rectangle covers the vertical range of $[1,2]$ and the horizontal range of $[b,b+W]$, as shown in the following figure:

AtCoDeer will move the second rectangle horizontally so that it connects with the first rectangle. Find the minimum distance it needs to be moved.


  • All input values are integers.
  • $1≤W≤10^5$
  • $1≤a,b≤10^5$


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

$W$ $a$ $b$


Print the minimum distance the second rectangle needs to be moved.

Sample Input 1

3 2 6

Sample Output 1


This input corresponds to the figure in the statement. In this case, the second rectangle should be moved to the left by a distance of $1$.

Sample Input 2

3 1 3

Sample Output 2


The rectangles are already connected, and thus no move is needed.

Sample Input 3

5 10 1

Sample Output 3




AtCodeer君发现桌子上放了两个宽为 $1$ ,横长为 $w$ 的矩形,如果将桌子看做二维平面,则如图下所示,第一个矩形的纵向范围为 $[0, 1]$ ,第二个矩形的纵向范围为 $[1, 2]$ ,即它们的长为 $w$ ,宽为 $1$ , $a$ 和 $b$ 分别是这两个矩形到原点的距离。现在问你将第二个矩阵连接到第一个矩阵上的最小横向距离。


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