100512: [AtCoder]ABC051 C - Back and Forth

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Score : $300$ points

Problem Statement

Dolphin resides in two-dimensional Cartesian plane, with the positive $x$-axis pointing right and the positive $y$-axis pointing up.
Currently, he is located at the point $(sx,sy)$. In each second, he can move up, down, left or right by a distance of $1$.
Here, both the $x$- and $y$-coordinates before and after each movement must be integers.
He will first visit the point $(tx,ty)$ where $sx < tx$ and $sy < ty$, then go back to the point $(sx,sy)$, then visit the point $(tx,ty)$ again, and lastly go back to the point $(sx,sy)$.
Here, during the whole travel, he is not allowed to pass through the same point more than once, except the points $(sx,sy)$ and $(tx,ty)$.
Under this condition, find a shortest path for him.


  • $-1000 ≤ sx < tx ≤ 1000$
  • $-1000 ≤ sy < ty ≤ 1000$
  • $sx,sy,tx$ and $ty$ are integers.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

$sx$ $sy$ $tx$ $ty$


Print a string $S$ that represents a shortest path for Dolphin.
The $i$-th character in $S$ should correspond to his $i$-th movement.
The directions of the movements should be indicated by the following characters:

  • U: Up
  • D: Down
  • L: Left
  • R: Right

If there exist multiple shortest paths under the condition, print any of them.

Sample Input 1

0 0 1 2

Sample Output 1


One possible shortest path is:

  • Going from $(sx,sy)$ to $(tx,ty)$ for the first time: $(0,0)$ → $(0,1)$ → $(0,2)$ → $(1,2)$
  • Going from $(tx,ty)$ to $(sx,sy)$ for the first time: $(1,2)$ → $(1,1)$ → $(1,0)$ → $(0,0)$
  • Going from $(sx,sy)$ to $(tx,ty)$ for the second time: $(0,0)$ → $(-1,0)$ → $(-1,1)$ → $(-1,2)$ → $(-1,3)$ → $(0,3)$ → $(1,3)$ → $(1,2)$
  • Going from $(tx,ty)$ to $(sx,sy)$ for the second time: $(1,2)$ → $(2,2)$ → $(2,1)$ → $(2,0)$ → $(2,-1)$ → $(1,-1)$ → $(0,-1)$ → $(0,0)$

Sample Input 2

-2 -2 1 1

Sample Output 2




在平面直角坐标系中,有点 $A(sx,sy)$ 和 点 $B(tx,ty)$ 保证 $sx<tx$,$sy<ty$ 并且 $sx,sy,tx,ty$ 都为整数。 在 $A$ 点有一只海豚,它每次可以向上下左右其中一个方向移动一个单位长度。这只海豚想从 $A$ 点到 $B$ 点再回到 $A$ 点再到 $B$ 点再回到 $A$ 点。 要求:除了 $A,B$ 点以外,所有格点都不能走第二遍。海豚不能斜着走。 输出一个字符串 `S` 表示海豚的最短路径, `S` 中只包括 $U,R,D,L$。 - $U$:向上走一个单位长度。 - $R$:向右走一个单位长度。 - $D$:向下走一个单位长度。 - $L$:向左走一个单位长度。 # 输入格式: 一行,$sx,sy,tx,ty$。 # 输出格式: 一行,字符串 `S`。 如果有多个最短路径,输出其中任意一个。 Translate by @sqh_let_it_be

