Problem ID Title Solved Submit Pass Rate
400840GYM100263 A TV000.000%
400841GYM100263 B Travelling Camera Problem000.000%
400842GYM100263 C Equivalent Cards000.000%
400843GYM100263 D Grumpy Cat000.000%
400844GYM100263 E Scientific Battalion000.000%
400845GYM100263 F Judging Time Prediction000.000%
400846GYM100263 G Expression Evaluation000.000%
400847GYM100263 H Password Service000.000%
400848GYM100263 I Plugs and Sockets000.000%
400849GYM100263 J Contest, Another Contest and Train000.000%
400850GYM100263 K Road Work000.000%
400851GYM100263 L Stock Trading Robot000.000%
400852GYM100263 M Winnie-the-Pooh Needs Help000.000%