410723: GYM104090 L Levenshtein Distance
The Levenshtein Distance between two strings is the smallest number of simple one-letter operations needed to change one string to the other. The operations are:
- Adding a letter anywhere in the string.
- Removing a letter from anywhere in the string.
- Changing any letter in the string to any other letter.
You will be given a number $$$k$$$ and two strings $$$S$$$ and $$$T$$$. Your task is to find the number of non-empty substrings of $$$T$$$ whose Levenshtein Distance between $$$S$$$ is exactly $$$i$$$ for every possible non-negative integer $$$i$$$ ($$$0\leq i\leq k$$$). Two substrings are considered different if and only if they occur in different places.
InputThe first line contains a single integer $$$k$$$ ($$$0\leq k\leq 30$$$), denoting the parameter $$$k$$$.
The second line contains a string $$$S$$$ ($$$1\leq |S|\leq 10^5$$$), denoting the pattern string.
The third line contains a string $$$T$$$ ($$$1\leq |T|\leq 10^5$$$), denoting the text string.
It is guaranteed that the input strings only consist of lowercase English letters ('a' to 'z'), uppercase English letters ('A' to 'Z'), and digits ('0' to '9').
OutputOutput $$$k+1$$$ lines, the $$$i$$$-th ($$$1\leq i\leq k+1$$$) of which contains an integer denoting the number of substrings of $$$T$$$ whose Levenshtein Distance between $$$S$$$ is exactly $$$i-1$$$.
ExampleInput4 aaa aabbaabOutput
0 5 15 7 1