408970: GYM103399 C Fast modular multiplication modulo 63-bit modulus

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C. Fast modular multiplication modulo 63-bit modulustime limit per test5 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard output

You are to complete the following snippet of code:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

struct state
unsigned a, b, c, d;

uint32_t xorshift128(state& s)
uint32_t bk = s.d;
uint32_t ft = s.a;
s.d = s.c;
s.c = s.b;
s.b = s.a;
bk ^= bk << 11;
bk ^= bk >> 8;
return s.a = bk ^ ft ^ (ft >> 19);

uint64_t xorshift128ll(state& s)
uint64_t l = xorshift128(s);
uint64_t r = xorshift128(s);
return l << 32 | r;

struct test
uint64_t x, y, modulo;

const uint32_t BITS = 63;

test xorshift128_test(state& s)
test t;
t.x = xorshift128ll(s) & ((1ll << BITS) - 1);
t.y = xorshift128ll(s) & ((1ll << BITS) - 1);
t.modulo = xorshift128ll(s) & ((1ll << BITS) - 1) | (1ll << (BITS - 1));
if (t.x >= t.modulo)
t.x -= t.modulo;
if (t.y >= t.modulo)
t.y -= t.modulo;
return t;

uint64_t prod(const test& t)

int main()
int n;
state s;
cin >> n >> s.a >> s.b >> s.c >> s.d;
uint64_t ans = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
ans += prod(xorshift128_test(s));
cout << ans << endl;

Replace «// TODO» with body of the function calculating the product of two 63-bit integers t.x and t.y modulo 63-bit integer t.modulo.


The first line contains a single integer $$$n$$$ — the number of the modular multiplication tests ($$$1 \leqslant n \leqslant 3\cdot 10^7$$$).

The second line contains four integers $$$a$$$, $$$b$$$, $$$c$$$, $$$d$$$ — the initial state of xorshift pseudorandom number generator ($$$0 \leqslant a,b,c,d \leqslant 2^{32}-1$$$).


Output the sum of products of t.x and t.y modulo t.modulo, taken modulo $$$2^{64}$$$.

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