407331: GYM102766 E Singhal and Missing Number

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E. Singhal and Missing Numbertime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard output

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Chitra is playing with consecutive numbers from $$$n$$$ to $$$m$$$ $$$(3\le n+2 \le m \le 10^9)$$$. Singhal tells her that the contest of Number Theory is over and concatenates all the numbers to a String But he miss one number from anywhere in the middle to concatenate.

Example — If she is playing with numbers from $$$3$$$ to $$$7$$$. He can concatenates this in the following way - $$$3567$$$ missing $$$4$$$ or other possibility would be $$$3467$$$, $$$3457$$$, but not $$$4567$$$, $$$3456$$$ , $$$367$$$ , $$$357$$$.

He gave back this concatenated string to her. Help her in finding the missing number. If there are many solution to this, you have to find the minimum possible.

Note: It is guaranteed that a solution smaller than $$$10^9$$$ must exists in the given inputs.


The first line contains a single integer $$$t (1 \le t \le 10^5)$$$ — the number of test cases in the input. Then $$$t$$$ test cases follow.

Each query contains a single concatenated string $$$S (1\le |S| \le 10^5)$$$. $$$|S|$$$ is the length of the string.

It is guaranteed that the total sum of $$$|S|$$$ is at most $$$10^5$$$.


For each test from the input print the missing number $$$< 10^9$$$. Print the answers to the tests in the order in which the tests are given in the input.


In the first query - the string S = 13, then the sequence is $$$1$$$, $$$3$$$ and the missing number is $$$2$$$.

In the second query - the string S = 3457, then the sequence is $$$3$$$, $$$4$$$, $$$5$$$, $$$7$$$ and the missing number is $$$6$$$.

In the third query - the string S = 1314151718, then the sequence is $$$13$$$, $$$14$$$, $$$15$$$, $$$17$$$, $$$18$$$ and the missing number is $$$16$$$.

In the last query - the string S = 234235236238, then the sequence is $$$234$$$, $$$235$$$, $$$236$$$, $$$238$$$ and the missing number is $$$237$$$.

