407147: GYM102697 118 Colors
In computer graphics, colors are often given as three integers $$$R$$$, $$$G$$$, and $$$B$$$, each ranging from 0 to 255, inclusive.
When displaying a bright red color, $$$R$$$ = 255, $$$G$$$ = 0, and $$$B$$$ = 0.
When displaying a bright green color, $$$R$$$ = 0, $$$G$$$ = 255, and $$$B$$$ = 0.
When displaying a bright blue color, $$$R$$$ = 0, $$$G$$$ = 0, and $$$B$$$ = 255.
When displaying a bright yellow color, $$$R$$$ = 255, $$$G$$$ = 255, and $$$B$$$ = 0.
Given this information, figure out which color corresponds to a RGB-format color given in the input.
InputThe only line of input contains three space-separated integers $$$R$$$, $$$G$$$, and $$$B$$$: the values of $$$R$$$, $$$G$$$, and $$$B$$$ as described above.
OutputOutput a single string: the color that the input values would display when drawn on a computer screen.
If the color is red, output "RED" (no quotes)
If the color is green, output "GREEN" (no quotes)
If the color is blue, output "BLUE" (no quotes)
If the color is yellow, output "YELLOW" (no quotes)
ExamplesInput255 0 0Output
255 255 0Output