407081: GYM102697 052 Passing Notes

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052. Passing Notestime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard output

You and your friend are passing notes in class, but to secure the safety of your notes you both decide to scramble the words. Your friend is going to pass you the first note, so that you can figure out the type of scramble that was used. Use the example test case below to figure out how the words where scrambled and write a program that will scramble words in the same way.


The only line that you will be given will the plain unscrambled note that you want to send.


Print the scrambled version of the note, so that you can send a message to your friend safely.

good luck trying to figure out how this was scrambled :)
): delbmarcs saw siht woh tuo erugif ot gniyrt kcul doog

