403533: GYM101191 F A trick

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F. A tricktime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test64 MBinputstandard inputoutputstandard output

«Sad clown», the new season at the circus, decided to entertain the audience with a mathematical trick. Magician George is the most experienced employee of the circus. So he was given the honor to show this trick.

A person chosen at random from the audience by George is asked to call a random number N. After that the magician thinks for exactly 5,674 seconds and says some number M different from N. The feature of the trick is that these two numbers have the same sum of digits.

How does George manage to do this?


There is one non-negative integer N called by spectator(0 ≤ N ≤ 109). It is guaranteed that a record of the number N doesn't contain leading zeros.


The only line with a non-negative integer M (the number, called by a magician). If there are a lot of suitable numbers, you can print any of them.

The number M can not contain leading zeros and at the same time should not exceed 109.

If the magician can not call the number, you should print -1.



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