402361: GYM100738 G Constant speed

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G. Constant speedtime limit per test1.5 secondsmemory limit per test64 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard output

George is driving his car on a road of length n. There are n + 1 signs on this road and they are indexed starting from 1 in the order they are seen. George likes to take notes, so he writes down all of the signs he has seen. His notes can be represented as a string s of length n + 1.

  • If si is a digit, it marks the start of a speed limit restriction
  • If si is ), it marks the end of a speed limit restriction
  • If si is  * , it means that it's a sign that can be ignored (we only care about speed restrictions)

An example of such a string is . Every start sign will have a corresponding end sign. In this case, those pairs are (1, 5) and (3, 4).

Between signs i and i + 1, the restriction that is applied is the one corresponding to the last previously seen start sign (its index is  ≤ i) without an end pair (check samples for clarification).

George asks himself: What is the minimum number of pairs of signs that need to be removed such that the speed limit between signs a and b is constant? He needs to answer q such questions, so he needs your help.


The first line will contain two integers, n and q(1 ≤ n, q ≤ 100 000) – the length of the road and the number of questions. The second line will contain a string s of length n + 1.


You should print q lines. On line i you should print the answer to the ith question.

4 4
2 4
2 3
1 5
4 5

5 1
1 6


The speed limits in the first sample are:

  • Between signs 1 and 2 the speed limit is 1
  • Between signs 2 and 3 the speed limit is 1
  • Between signs 3 and 4 the speed limit is 9
  • Between signs 4 and 5 the speed limit is 1

In order to make the speed limit constant between the signs 2 and 4, we must delete the pair of signs (3, 4).

