310354: CF1818F. Toy Machine

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F. Toy Machinetime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard output

There is a toy machine with toys arranged in two rows of $n$ cells each ($n$ is odd).

Initial state for $n=9$.

Initially, $n-2$ toys are placed in the non-corner cells of the top row. The bottom row is initially empty, and its leftmost, rightmost, and central cells are blocked. There are $4$ buttons to control the toy machine: left, right, up, and down marked by the letters L, R, U, and D correspondingly.

When pressing L, R, U, or D, all the toys will be moved simultaneously in the corresponding direction and will only stop if they push into another toy, the wall or a blocked cell. Your goal is to move the $k$-th toy into the leftmost cell of the top row. The toys are numbered from $1$ to $n-2$ from left to right. Given $n$ and $k$, find a solution that uses at most $1\,000\,000$ button presses.

To test out the toy machine, a web page is available that lets you play the game in real time.


The first and only line contains two integers, $n$ and $k$ ($5 \le n \le 100\,000$, $n$ is odd, $1 \le k \le n-2$) — the number of cells in a row, and the index of the toy that has to be moved to the leftmost cell of the top row.


On a single line, output a description of the button presses as a string of at most $1\,000\,000$ characters. The string should only contain the characters L, R, U, and D. The $i$-th character in the string is the $i$-th button that is pressed. After all the button presses are performed, the $k$-th toy should be in the leftmost cell of the top row.

If there are multiple solutions, print any. The number of button presses does not have to be minimized.

5 1
7 2

In the first example, there will be $5-2 = 3$ toys. The first toy needs to end up in the leftmost cell of the top row. The moves RDL will achieve this, see the picture for a better understanding. Another possible solution would be to do one button press L.

Visualization of the moves for the first example.





输入的第一行包含两个整数n和k(5≤n≤100000,n是奇数,1≤k≤n-2)—— 行中的单元格数和要移动到最上行的最左端玩具的索引。


如果有多个解决方案,输出任意一个即可。按钮按压次数不必最小化。题目大意: 有一个玩具机器,玩具分布在两行,每行有n个单元格(n是奇数)。最初,除了最上行的非角落单元格放置了n-2个玩具外,最下行是空的,其最左、最右和中间的单元格被封锁。有4个按钮控制玩具机器:左(L)、右(R)、上(U)和下(D)。按下按钮时,所有玩具将同时向相应方向移动,直到碰到另一个玩具、墙壁或封锁的单元格。目标是将第k个玩具移动到最上行的最左端。玩具从左到右编号为1到n-2。给定n和k,找到使用最多1000000次按钮按压的解决方案。 输入数据格式: 输入的第一行包含两个整数n和k(5≤n≤100000,n是奇数,1≤k≤n-2)—— 行中的单元格数和要移动到最上行的最左端玩具的索引。 输出数据格式: 在一行中,输出最多1000000个字符的按钮按压描述字符串。字符串只能包含字符L、R、U和D。字符串中的第i个字符表示第i个按下的按钮。完成所有按钮按压后,第k个玩具应该位于最上行的最左端。 如果有多个解决方案,输出任意一个即可。按钮按压次数不必最小化。


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