309353: CF1666J. Job Lookup

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Job Lookup


一个 $n×n(1≤n≤200)$ 的矩阵 $c(0≤c_{ij}≤10^9)$ ,构造一棵节点编号为 $1\sim n$ 的二叉树,其任意一个节点的左子树内所有节点编号都小于它,右子树内所有节点编号都大于它,设 $d_{ij}$ 为 $i\sim j $ 的最短路径,使得 $$ \sum_{1\le i, j\le n}c_{ij}d_{ij} $$ 最小,输出每个节点的父亲(根节点输出 $0$ )


Julia's $ n $ friends want to organize a startup in a new country they moved to. They assigned each other numbers from 1 to $ n $ according to the jobs they have, from the most front-end tasks to the most back-end ones. They also estimated a matrix $ c $ , where $ c_{ij} = c_{ji} $ is the average number of messages per month between people doing jobs $ i $ and $ j $ . Now they want to make a hierarchy tree. It will be a binary tree with each node containing one member of the team. Some member will be selected as a leader of the team and will be contained in the root node. In order for the leader to be able to easily reach any subordinate, for each node $ v $ of the tree, the following should apply: all members in its left subtree must have smaller numbers than $ v $ , and all members in its right subtree must have larger numbers than $ v $ . After the hierarchy tree is settled, people doing jobs $ i $ and $ j $ will be communicating via the shortest path in the tree between their nodes. Let's denote the length of this path as $ d_{ij} $ . Thus, the cost of their communication is $ c_{ij} \cdot d_{ij} $ . Your task is to find a hierarchy tree that minimizes the total cost of communication over all pairs: $ \sum_{1 \le i < j \le n} c_{ij} \cdot d_{ij} $ .



The first line contains an integer $ n $ ( $ 1 \le n \le 200 $ ) – the number of team members organizing a startup. The next $ n $ lines contain $ n $ integers each, $ j $ -th number in $ i $ -th line is $ c_{ij} $ — the estimated number of messages per month between team members $ i $ and $ j $ ( $ 0 \le c_{ij} \le 10^9; c_{ij} = c_{ji}; c_{ii} = 0 $ ).


Output a description of a hierarchy tree that minimizes the total cost of communication. To do so, for each team member from 1 to $ n $ output the number of the member in its parent node, or 0 for the leader. If there are many optimal trees, output a description of any one of them.


输入样例 #1

0 566 1 0
566 0 239 30
1 239 0 1
0 30 1 0

输出样例 #1

2 4 2 0


The minimal possible total cost is $ 566 \cdot 1+239 \cdot 1+30 \cdot 1+1 \cdot 2+1 \cdot 2=839 $ : ![](https://cdn.luogu.com.cn/upload/vjudge_pic/CF1666J/7d043f0dc31fa1bc60f31358d0ccffe9104138cc.png)



一个 $n×n(1≤n≤200)$ 的矩阵 $c(0≤c_{ij}≤10^9)$ ,构造一棵节点编号为 $1\sim n$ 的二叉树,其任意一个节点的左子树内所有节点编号都小于它,右子树内所有节点编号都大于它,设 $d_{ij}$ 为 $i\sim j $ 的最短路径,使得 $$ \sum_{1\le i, j\le n}c_{ij}d_{ij} $$ 最小,输出每个节点的父亲(根节点输出 $0$ )

