308572: CF1540E. Tasty Dishes

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Tasty Dishes


请注意内存限制。 有$n$个编号为$1,2,\ldots,n$的厨师为国王准备菜肴,第$i$个厨师的能力值为$i$。最初第$i$个厨师的菜肴有美味值$a_i$,其中$|a_i|≤i$。每个厨师有一个允许他复制的厨师名单,国王确保厨师$i$只能从技能更强的厨师那里复制。 在每一天,厨师可以进行两个阶段的操作: 1. 令他的菜肴的美味值乘上他的能力值。 2. 在所有厨师进行完操作1后,对于所有在第$i$个厨师的列表中的厨师$j$,厨师$i$可以选择将自己的菜肴的美味值加上厨师$j$的菜肴的美味值或者不加。 所有的厨师都尽量令自己菜肴的美味值最大化。 最后有$q$个操作,每种操作是以下两种中的一个: 1. $1$ $k$ $l$ $r$ 询问$k$天后$l$到$r$的厨师的菜肴的美味值之和。 2. $2$ $i$ $x$ 将第$i$个厨师菜肴初始的美味值$a_i$加上$x$,其中$x>0$。


Note that the memory limit is unusual. There are $ n $ chefs numbered $ 1, 2, \ldots, n $ that must prepare dishes for a king. Chef $ i $ has skill $ i $ and initially has a dish of tastiness $ a_i $ where $ |a_i| \leq i $ . Each chef has a list of other chefs that he is allowed to copy from. To stop chefs from learning bad habits, the king makes sure that chef $ i $ can only copy from chefs of larger skill. There are a sequence of days that pass during which the chefs can work on their dish. During each day, there are two stages during which a chef can change the tastiness of their dish. 1. At the beginning of each day, each chef can choose to work (or not work) on their own dish, thereby multiplying the tastiness of their dish of their skill ( $ a_i := i \cdot a_i $ ) (or doing nothing). 2. After all chefs (who wanted) worked on their own dishes, each start observing the other chefs. In particular, for each chef $ j $ on chef $ i $ 's list, chef $ i $ can choose to copy (or not copy) $ j $ 's dish, thereby adding the tastiness of the $ j $ 's dish to $ i $ 's dish ( $ a_i := a_i + a_j $ ) (or doing nothing). It can be assumed that all copying occurs simultaneously. Namely, if chef $ i $ chooses to copy from chef $ j $ he will copy the tastiness of chef $ j $ 's dish at the end of stage $ 1 $ . All chefs work to maximize the tastiness of their own dish in order to please the king. Finally, you are given $ q $ queries. Each query is one of two types. 1. $ 1 $ $ k $ $ l $ $ r $ — find the sum of tastiness $ a_l, a_{l+1}, \ldots, a_{r} $ after the $ k $ -th day. Because this value can be large, find it modulo $ 10^9 + 7 $ . 2. $ 2 $ $ i $ $ x $ — the king adds $ x $ tastiness to the $ i $ -th chef's dish before the $ 1 $ -st day begins ( $ a_i := a_i + x $ ). Note that, because the king wants to see tastier dishes, he only adds positive tastiness ( $ x > 0 $ ). Note that queries of type $ 1 $ are independent of each all other queries. Specifically, each query of type $ 1 $ is a scenario and does not change the initial tastiness $ a_i $ of any dish for future queries. Note that queries of type $ 2 $ are cumulative and only change the initial tastiness $ a_i $ of a dish. See notes for an example of queries.



The first line contains a single integer $ n $ ( $ 1 \le n \le 300 $ ) — the number of chefs. The second line contains $ n $ integers $ a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n $ ( $ -i \le a_i \le i $ ). The next $ n $ lines each begin with a integer $ c_i $ ( $ 0 \le c_i < n $ ), denoting the number of chefs the $ i $ -th chef can copy from. This number is followed by $ c_i $ distinct integers $ d $ ( $ i < d \le n $ ), signifying that chef $ i $ is allowed to copy from chef $ d $ during stage $ 2 $ of each day. The next line contains a single integer $ q $ ( $ 1 \le q \le 2 \cdot 10^5 $ ) — the number of queries. Each of the next $ q $ lines contains a query of one of two types: - $ 1 $ $ k $ $ l $ $ r $ ( $ 1 \le l \le r \le n $ ; $ 1 \le k \le 1000 $ ); - $ 2 $ $ i $ $ x $ ( $ 1 \le i \le n $ ; $ 1 \le x \le 1000 $ ). It is guaranteed that there is at least one query of the first type.


For each query of the first type, print a single integer — the answer to the query.


输入样例 #1

1 0 -2 -2 4
4 2 3 4 5
1 3
1 4
1 5
1 1 1 5
2 4 3
1 1 1 5
2 3 2
1 2 2 4
2 5 1
1 981 4 5

输出样例 #1



Below is the set of chefs that each chef is allowed to copy from: - $ 1 $ : $ \{2, 3, 4, 5\} $ - $ 2 $ : $ \{3\} $ - $ 3 $ : $ \{4\} $ - $ 4 $ : $ \{5\} $ - $ 5 $ : $ \emptyset $ (no other chefs) Following is a description of the sample. For the first query of type $ 1 $ , the initial tastiness values are $ [1, 0, -2, -2, 4] $ . The final result of the first day is shown below: 1. $ [1, 0, -2, -2, 20] $ (chef $ 5 $ works on his dish). 2. $ [21, 0, -2, 18, 20] $ (chef $ 1 $ and chef $ 4 $ copy from chef $ 5 $ ). So, the answer for the $ 1 $ -st query is $ 21 + 0 - 2 + 18 + 20 = 57 $ . For the $ 5 $ -th query ( $ 3 $ -rd of type $ 1 $ ). The initial tastiness values are now $ [1, 0, 0, 1, 4] $ . Day 1 1. $ [1, 0, 0, 4, 20] $ (chefs $ 4 $ and $ 5 $ work on their dishes). 2. $ [25,0, 4, 24, 20] $ (chef $ 1 $ copies from chefs $ 4 $ and $ 5 $ , chef $ 3 $ copies from chef $ 4 $ , chef $ 4 $ copies from chef $ 5 $ ). Day 2 1. $ [25, 0, 12, 96, 100] $ (all chefs but chef $ 2 $ work on their dish). 2. $ [233, 12, 108, 196, 100] $ (chef $ 1 $ copies from chefs $ 3 $ , $ 4 $ and $ 5 $ , chef $ 2 $ from $ 3 $ , chef $ 3 $ from $ 4 $ , chef $ 4 $ from chef $ 5 $ ).So, the answer for the $ 5 $ -th query is $ 12+108+196=316 $ . It can be shown that, in each step we described, all chefs moved optimally.



请注意内存限制。 有$n$个编号为$1,2,\ldots,n$的厨师为国王准备菜肴,第$i$个厨师的能力值为$i$。最初第$i$个厨师的菜肴有美味值$a_i$,其中$|a_i|≤i$。每个厨师有一个允许他复制的厨师名单,国王确保厨师$i$只能从技能更强的厨师那里复制。 在每一天,厨师可以进行两个阶段的操作: 1. 令他的菜肴的美味值乘上他的能力值。 2. 在所有厨师进行完操作1后,对于所有在第$i$个厨师的列表中的厨师$j$,厨师$i$可以选择将自己的菜肴的美味值加上厨师$j$的菜肴的美味值或者不加。 所有的厨师都尽量令自己菜肴的美味值最大化。 最后有$q$个操作,每种操作是以下两种中的一个: 1. $1$ $k$ $l$ $r$ 询问$k$天后$l$到$r$的厨师的菜肴的美味值之和。 2. $2$ $i$ $x$ 将第$i$个厨师菜肴初始的美味值$a_i$加上$x$,其中$x>0$。


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