308439: CF1519F. Chests and Keys

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Chests and Keys


给定 $n,m$ 表示存在 $n$ 个宝箱和 $m$ 把钥匙,第 $i$ 把钥匙需要 $b_i$ 元,第 $i$ 个宝箱内部有 $a_i$ 元。 现在进行一场游戏,Bob 是本场游戏的玩家,而 Alice 则是场景布置者,Alice 可以给每个宝箱上一些锁(第 $j$ 种锁需要第 $j$ 种钥匙打开) 如果 Bob 可以购买一些钥匙,然后打开一些宝箱,使得 Bob 的收益大于 $0$,那么 Bob 就赢得了游戏,反之 Alice 获得了胜利。 现在 Alice 打算布置宝箱上的锁,第 $i$ 个宝箱上放置第 $j$ 种锁的花费为 $c_{i,j}$,请帮助 Alice 找到一种布置锁的方案,使得花费最小,且 Alice 将取得胜利。 $n,m\le 6,a_i,b_i\le 4,c_{i,j}\le 10^7$ 特别的,一个箱子上可以放置若干把锁,Bob 需打开所有锁才能获得内部的钱。


Alice and Bob play a game. Alice has got $ n $ treasure chests (the $ i $ -th of which contains $ a_i $ coins) and $ m $ keys (the $ j $ -th of which she can sell Bob for $ b_j $ coins). Firstly, Alice puts some locks on the chests. There are $ m $ types of locks, the locks of the $ j $ -th type can only be opened with the $ j $ -th key. To put a lock of type $ j $ on the $ i $ -th chest, Alice has to pay $ c_{i,j} $ dollars. Alice can put any number of different types of locks on each chest (possibly, zero). Then, Bob buys some of the keys from Alice (possibly none, possibly all of them) and opens each chest he can (he can open a chest if he has the keys for all of the locks on this chest). Bob's profit is the difference between the total number of coins in the opened chests and the total number of coins he spends buying keys from Alice. If Bob's profit is strictly positive (greater than zero), he wins the game. Otherwise, Alice wins the game. Alice wants to put some locks on some chests so no matter which keys Bob buys, she always wins (Bob cannot get positive profit). Of course, she wants to spend the minimum possible number of dollars on buying the locks. Help her to determine whether she can win the game at all, and if she can, how many dollars she has to spend on the locks.



The first line contains two integers $ n $ and $ m $ ( $ 1 \le n, m \le 6 $ ) — the number of chests and the number of keys, respectively. The second line contains $ n $ integers $ a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n $ ( $ 1 \le a_i \le 4 $ ), where $ a_i $ is the number of coins in the $ i $ -th chest. The third line contains $ m $ integers $ b_1, b_2, \dots, b_m $ ( $ 1 \le b_j \le 4 $ ), where $ b_j $ is the number of coins Bob has to spend to buy the $ j $ -th key from Alice. Then $ n $ lines follow. The $ i $ -th of them contains $ m $ integers $ c_{i,1}, c_{i,2}, \dots, c_{i,m} $ ( $ 1 \le c_{i,j} \le 10^7 $ ), where $ c_{i,j} $ is the number of dollars Alice has to spend to put a lock of the $ j $ -th type on the $ i $ -th chest.


If Alice cannot ensure her victory (no matter which locks she puts on which chests, Bob always has a way to gain positive profit), print $ -1 $ . Otherwise, print one integer — the minimum number of dollars Alice has to spend to win the game regardless of Bob's actions.


输入样例 #1

2 3
3 3
1 1 4
10 20 100
20 15 80

输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2

2 3
3 3
2 1 4
10 20 100
20 15 80

输出样例 #2


输入样例 #3

2 3
3 4
1 1 4
10 20 100
20 15 80

输出样例 #3



In the first example, Alice should put locks of types $ 1 $ and $ 3 $ on the first chest, and locks of type $ 2 $ and $ 3 $ on the second chest. In the second example, Alice should put locks of types $ 1 $ and $ 2 $ on the first chest, and a lock of type $ 3 $ on the second chest.



给定 $n,m$ 表示存在 $n$ 个宝箱和 $m$ 把钥匙,第 $i$ 把钥匙需要 $b_i$ 元,第 $i$ 个宝箱内部有 $a_i$ 元。 现在进行一场游戏,Bob 是本场游戏的玩家,而 Alice 则是场景布置者,Alice 可以给每个宝箱上一些锁(第 $j$ 种锁需要第 $j$ 种钥匙打开) 如果 Bob 可以购买一些钥匙,然后打开一些宝箱,使得 Bob 的收益大于 $0$,那么 Bob 就赢得了游戏,反之 Alice 获得了胜利。 现在 Alice 打算布置宝箱上的锁,第 $i$ 个宝箱上放置第 $j$ 种锁的花费为 $c_{i,j}$,请帮助 Alice 找到一种布置锁的方案,使得花费最小,且 Alice 将取得胜利。 $n,m\le 6,a_i,b_i\le 4,c_{i,j}\le 10^7$ 特别的,一个箱子上可以放置若干把锁,Bob 需打开所有锁才能获得内部的钱。

