308434: CF1519A. Red and Blue Beans

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Red and Blue Beans


给定 $r$ 个红色的豆子,$b$ 个蓝色的豆子,现将它们放入若干个袋子里。要求: - 每个袋子里至少有$1$颗红豆 $(r_i \geqslant 1)$ - 每个袋子里至少有$1$颗蓝豆 $(b_i \geqslant 1)$ - 每个袋子中的两色豆子之差小于等于$d$ $(|r_i - b_i|\leqslant d)$


You have $ r $ red and $ b $ blue beans. You'd like to distribute them among several (maybe, one) packets in such a way that each packet: - has at least one red bean (or the number of red beans $ r_i \ge 1 $ ); - has at least one blue bean (or the number of blue beans $ b_i \ge 1 $ ); - the number of red and blue beans should differ in no more than $ d $ (or $ |r_i - b_i| \le d $ ) Can you distribute all beans?



The first line contains the single integer $ t $ ( $ 1 \le t \le 1000 $ ) — the number of test cases. The first and only line of each test case contains three integers $ r $ , $ b $ , and $ d $ ( $ 1 \le r, b \le 10^9 $ ; $ 0 \le d \le 10^9 $ ) — the number of red and blue beans and the maximum absolute difference in each packet.


For each test case, if you can distribute all beans, print YES. Otherwise, print NO. You may print every letter in any case you want (so, for example, the strings yEs, yes, Yes and YES are all recognized as positive answer).


输入样例 #1

1 1 0
2 7 3
6 1 4
5 4 0

输出样例 #1



In the first test case, you can form one packet with $ 1 $ red and $ 1 $ blue bean. The absolute difference $ |1 - 1| = 0 \le d $ . In the second test case, you can form two packets: $ 1 $ red and $ 4 $ blue beans in the first packet and $ 1 $ red and $ 3 $ blue beans in the second one. In the third test case, since $ b = 1 $ , you can form only one packet with $ 6 $ red and $ 1 $ blue beans. The absolute difference $ |6 - 1| = 5 > d $ . In the fourth test case, since $ d = 0 $ so each packet should contain the same number of red and blue beans, but $ r \neq b $ .



给定 $r$ 个红色的豆子,$b$ 个蓝色的豆子,现将它们放入若干个袋子里。要求: - 每个袋子里至少有$1$颗红豆 $(r_i \geqslant 1)$ - 每个袋子里至少有$1$颗蓝豆 $(b_i \geqslant 1)$ - 每个袋子中的两色豆子之差小于等于$d$ $(|r_i - b_i|\leqslant d)$

