307418: CF1354F. Summoning Minions

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Summoning Minions


你有$n$张卡牌,你的桌面上最多只可容纳$k$张卡牌,每一张卡牌放到桌面上时有一个初始的等级$a_i$,并且在放到桌面上的时刻会给所有当前桌面上除该卡牌之外所有的卡牌等级全部加上$b_i$,中途你可以销毁桌上的一些卡牌,求任意一种方案使得最后桌上所有卡牌的等级之和最大。多组数据。$T\text{(数据组数)} \le 75,1 \le k \le n \le 75$。


Polycarp plays a computer game. In this game, the players summon armies of magical minions, which then fight each other. Polycarp can summon $ n $ different minions. The initial power level of the $ i $ -th minion is $ a_i $ , and when it is summoned, all previously summoned minions' power levels are increased by $ b_i $ . The minions can be summoned in any order. Unfortunately, Polycarp cannot have more than $ k $ minions under his control. To get rid of unwanted minions after summoning them, he may destroy them. Each minion can be summoned (and destroyed) only once. Polycarp's goal is to summon the strongest possible army. Formally, he wants to maximize the sum of power levels of all minions under his control (those which are summoned and not destroyed). Help Polycarp to make up a plan of actions to summon the strongest possible army!



The first line contains one integer $ T $ ( $ 1 \le T \le 75 $ ) — the number of test cases. Each test case begins with a line containing two integers $ n $ and $ k $ ( $ 1 \le k \le n \le 75 $ ) — the number of minions availible for summoning, and the maximum number of minions that can be controlled by Polycarp, respectively. Then $ n $ lines follow, the $ i $ -th line contains $ 2 $ integers $ a_i $ and $ b_i $ ( $ 1 \le a_i \le 10^5 $ , $ 0 \le b_i \le 10^5 $ ) — the parameters of the $ i $ -th minion.


For each test case print the optimal sequence of actions as follows: Firstly, print $ m $ — the number of actions which Polycarp has to perform ( $ 0 \le m \le 2n $ ). Then print $ m $ integers $ o_1 $ , $ o_2 $ , ..., $ o_m $ , where $ o_i $ denotes the $ i $ -th action as follows: if the $ i $ -th action is to summon the minion $ x $ , then $ o_i = x $ , and if the $ i $ -th action is to destroy the minion $ x $ , then $ o_i = -x $ . Each minion can be summoned at most once and cannot be destroyed before being summoned (and, obviously, cannot be destroyed more than once). The number of minions in Polycarp's army should be not greater than $ k $ after every action. If there are multiple optimal sequences, print any of them.


输入样例 #1

5 2
5 3
7 0
5 0
4 0
10 0
2 1
10 100
50 10
5 5
1 5
2 4
3 3
4 2
5 1

输出样例 #1

2 1 -1 5
5 4 3 2 1


Consider the example test. In the first test case, Polycarp can summon the minion $ 2 $ with power level $ 7 $ , then summon the minion $ 1 $ , which will increase the power level of the previous minion by $ 3 $ , then destroy the minion $ 1 $ , and finally, summon the minion $ 5 $ . After this, Polycarp will have two minions with power levels of $ 10 $ . In the second test case, Polycarp can control only one minion, so he should choose the strongest of them and summon it. In the third test case, Polycarp is able to summon and control all five minions.



你有$n$张卡牌,你的桌面上最多只可容纳$k$张卡牌,每一张卡牌放到桌面上时有一个初始的等级$a_i$,并且在放到桌面上的时刻会给所有当前桌面上除该卡牌之外所有的卡牌等级全部加上$b_i$,中途你可以销毁桌上的一些卡牌,求任意一种方案使得最后桌上所有卡牌的等级之和最大。多组数据。$T\text{(数据组数)} \le 75,1 \le k \le n \le 75$。

