306435: CF1196E. Connected Component on a Chessboard

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Connected Component on a Chessboard


有T组数据 给出一个像国际象棋一样黑白染色的图,点 $(1,1)$ 为白色。 Tips: 其实就是如果点坐标是 $(x,y)$,$x+y$ 为偶时是白色,$x+y$ 为奇时是黑色。 你需要构造连通的含有b个黑点,w个白点的图。 如果无法构造,输出"NO"。 否则,输出"YES",并在第2~(w+b+1)行输出构造方法,方式是“x y”,表示图上有点坐标为(x,y).


You are given two integers $ b $ and $ w $ . You have a chessboard of size $ 10^9 \times 10^9 $ with the top left cell at $ (1; 1) $ , the cell $ (1; 1) $ is painted white. Your task is to find a connected component on this chessboard that contains exactly $ b $ black cells and exactly $ w $ white cells. Two cells are called connected if they share a side (i.e. for the cell $ (x, y) $ there are at most four connected cells: $ (x - 1, y), (x + 1, y), (x, y - 1), (x, y + 1) $ ). A set of cells is called a connected component if for every pair of cells $ C_1 $ and $ C_2 $ from this set, there exists a sequence of cells $ c_1 $ , $ c_2 $ , ..., $ c_k $ such that $ c_1 = C_1 $ , $ c_k = C_2 $ , all $ c_i $ from $ 1 $ to $ k $ are belong to this set of cells and for every $ i \in [1, k - 1] $ , cells $ c_i $ and $ c_{i + 1} $ are connected. Obviously, it can be impossible to find such component. In this case print "NO". Otherwise, print "YES" and any suitable connected component. You have to answer $ q $ independent queries.



The first line of the input contains one integer $ q $ ( $ 1 \le q \le 10^5 $ ) — the number of queries. Then $ q $ queries follow. The only line of the query contains two integers $ b $ and $ w $ ( $ 1 \le b, w \le 10^5 $ ) — the number of black cells required and the number of white cells required. It is guaranteed that the sum of numbers of cells does not exceed $ 2 \cdot 10^5 $ ( $ \sum w + \sum b \le 2 \cdot 10^5 $ ).


For each query, print the answer to it. If it is impossible to find the required component, print "NO" on the first line. Otherwise, print "YES" on the first line. In the next $ b + w $ lines print coordinates of cells of your component in any order. There should be exactly $ b $ black cells and $ w $ white cells in your answer. The printed component should be connected. If there are several answers, you can print any. All coordinates in the answer should be in the range $ [1; 10^9] $ .


输入样例 #1

1 1
1 4
2 5

输出样例 #1

2 2
1 2
2 3
1 3
3 3
2 2
2 4
2 3
2 4
2 5
1 3
1 5
3 3
3 5



有T组数据 给出一个像国际象棋一样黑白染色的图,点 $(1,1)$ 为白色。 Tips: 其实就是如果点坐标是 $(x,y)$,$x+y$ 为偶时是白色,$x+y$ 为奇时是黑色。 你需要构造连通的含有b个黑点,w个白点的图。 如果无法构造,输出"NO"。 否则,输出"YES",并在第2~(w+b+1)行输出构造方法,方式是“x y”,表示图上有点坐标为(x,y).

