306151: CF1154C. Gourmet Cat

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Gourmet Cat


## Description Polycarp 有一只小猫,这只猫饮食上有如下规律: > 在每周的周一、周四、周日,猫咪会吃一条鱼 > > 在每周的周二、周六,猫咪会吃一份兔肉(兔兔这么可爱QAQ) > > 剩下的时间猫咪会吃一份鸡肉 现在 Polycarp 要带这猫出去旅行,他会带 $a$ 条鱼, $b$ 份兔肉,$c$ 份鸡肉。 加入他采取最优的策略来决定在一周的哪一天出发,请问他带的这些食物最多可以喂饱这只猫几天。 ## Input 输入一行三个整数,代表 $a, b, c$ ## Output 输出一行一个整数代表答案。 ## Limitation $1~\leq~a,~b,~c~\leq~7~\times~10^8$ Translated By @一扶苏一


Polycarp has a cat and his cat is a real gourmet! Dependent on a day of the week he eats certain type of food: - on Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays he eats fish food; - on Tuesdays and Saturdays he eats rabbit stew; - on other days of week he eats chicken stake. Polycarp plans to go on a trip and already packed his backpack. His backpack contains: - $ a $ daily rations of fish food; - $ b $ daily rations of rabbit stew; - $ c $ daily rations of chicken stakes. Polycarp has to choose such day of the week to start his trip that his cat can eat without additional food purchases as long as possible. Print the maximum number of days the cat can eat in a trip without additional food purchases, if Polycarp chooses the day of the week to start his trip optimally.



The first line of the input contains three positive integers $ a $ , $ b $ and $ c $ ( $ 1 \le a, b, c \le 7\cdot10^8 $ ) — the number of daily rations of fish food, rabbit stew and chicken stakes in Polycarps backpack correspondingly.


Print the maximum number of days the cat can eat in a trip without additional food purchases, if Polycarp chooses the day of the week to start his trip optimally.


输入样例 #1

2 1 1

输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2

3 2 2

输出样例 #2


输入样例 #3

1 100 1

输出样例 #3


输入样例 #4

30 20 10

输出样例 #4



In the first example the best day for start of the trip is Sunday. In this case, during Sunday and Monday the cat will eat fish food, during Tuesday — rabbit stew and during Wednesday — chicken stake. So, after four days of the trip all food will be eaten. In the second example Polycarp can start his trip in any day of the week. In any case there are food supplies only for one week in Polycarps backpack. In the third example Polycarp can start his trip in any day, excluding Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. In this case, the cat will eat three different dishes in three days. Nevertheless that after three days of a trip there will be $ 99 $ portions of rabbit stew in a backpack, can cannot eat anything in fourth day of a trip.



## Description Polycarp 有一只小猫,这只猫饮食上有如下规律: > 在每周的周一、周四、周日,猫咪会吃一条鱼 > > 在每周的周二、周六,猫咪会吃一份兔肉(兔兔这么可爱QAQ) > > 剩下的时间猫咪会吃一份鸡肉 现在 Polycarp 要带这猫出去旅行,他会带 $a$ 条鱼, $b$ 份兔肉,$c$ 份鸡肉。 加入他采取最优的策略来决定在一周的哪一天出发,请问他带的这些食物最多可以喂饱这只猫几天。 ## Input 输入一行三个整数,代表 $a, b, c$ ## Output 输出一行一个整数代表答案。 ## Limitation $1~\leq~a,~b,~c~\leq~7~\times~10^8$ Translated By @一扶苏一

