305074: CF961A. Tetris

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给定$n,m$和$m$个数$a_1\dots a_m$ 求$[1,n]$在$a_1\dots a_m$中出现次数最少的数的出现次数 感谢@huhao 提供的翻译


You are given a following process. There is a platform with $ n $ columns. $ 1 \times 1 $ squares are appearing one after another in some columns on this platform. If there are no squares in the column, a square will occupy the bottom row. Otherwise a square will appear at the top of the highest square of this column. When all of the $ n $ columns have at least one square in them, the bottom row is being removed. You will receive $ 1 $ point for this, and all the squares left will fall down one row. You task is to calculate the amount of points you will receive.



The first line of input contain 2 integer numbers $ n $ and $ m $ ( $ 1 \le n, m \le 1000 $ ) — the length of the platform and the number of the squares. The next line contain $ m $ integer numbers $ c_1, c_2, \dots, c_m $ ( $ 1 \le c_i \le n $ ) — column in which $ i $ -th square will appear.


Print one integer — the amount of points you will receive.


输入样例 #1

3 9
1 1 2 2 2 3 1 2 3

输出样例 #1



In the sample case the answer will be equal to $ 2 $ because after the appearing of $ 6 $ -th square will be removed one row (counts of the squares on the platform will look like $ [2~ 3~ 1] $ , and after removing one row will be $ [1~ 2~ 0] $ ). After the appearing of $ 9 $ -th square counts will be $ [2~ 3~ 1] $ , and after removing one row it will look like $ [1~ 2~ 0] $ . So the answer will be equal to $ 2 $ .



给定$n,m$和$m$个数$a_1\dots a_m$ 求$[1,n]$在$a_1\dots a_m$中出现次数最少的数的出现次数 感谢@huhao 提供的翻译


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